Compre una casa a un precio razonable con un préstamo VA in Mount Pleasant, SC

Los préstamos VA se establecieron antes del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y desde entonces han ayudado a numerosos veteranos, miembros del servicio y familias de militares a cumplir su sueño de ser propietarios de una casa. En los últimos tiempos, el programa se ha vuelto cada vez más importante, ya que el volumen de préstamos del VA se ha disparado y ofrece importantes ventajas financieras que permiten a innumerables veteranos comprar viviendas, lo que hace que la propiedad de vivienda sea una posibilidad para aquellos que de otro modo no habrían calificado.

Si sacrificó la comodidad y la seguridad para ayudar a proteger nuestra gran nación, Mission One Mortgage le agradece su servicio. Creemos que no hay mayor honor que servir a quienes han servido a nuestro país. No tenemos miedo de hacer todo lo posible por nuestros veteranos porque eso es exactamente lo que ellos hicieron por nosotros.

¿Qué es un Préstamo VA en Mount Pleasant, SC?

Un préstamo VA es una opción hipotecaria respaldada por el gobierno y disponible para veteranos, miembros del servicio y cónyuges sobrevivientes. Lo ofrecen prestamistas privados como bancos y compañías hipotecarias y no directamente el Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos.

Los préstamos hipotecarios del VA tienen tasas de interés y términos competitivos y se pueden utilizar para comprar una variedad de propiedades, incluidas:

  • Viviendas unifamiliares
  • Condominios
  • Propiedades de unidades múltiples
  • Casas prefabricadas
  • Casas de Nueva Construcción

Uno de los grandes beneficios de los préstamos VA es que los veteranos elegibles pueden comprar una casa sin pago inicial, sin seguro hipotecario, requisitos crediticios indulgentes y las tasas fijas promedio más bajas del mercado.

Va Mortgages Mount Pleasant, SC

Este programa fue creado por el gobierno federal para facilitar que aquellos que han servido a nuestro país se conviertan en propietarios de viviendas, y es ampliamente considerado el programa de beneficios más sólido disponible para este propósito.

Cuáles son los más grandes Beneficios de tener un préstamo VA en Mount Pleasant, SC?

En Mission One Mortgage, trabajamos con muchos veteranos que saben que existen préstamos VA pero no comprenden toda la gama de beneficios que brindan. Si esto te suena familiar, sigue leyendo. Esta sección fue escrita especialmente para usted.



No se necesita pago inicial

Uno de los beneficios más destacados del programa de préstamos VA es que los prestatarios calificados pueden comprar una casa sin tener que hacer un pago inicial hasta el límite del préstamo conforme de su condado. Esta es una ventaja significativa sobre los préstamos convencionales y de la FHA, que normalmente requieren pagos iniciales mínimos del 5 por ciento y el 3,5 por ciento, respectivamente.

Por ejemplo, en una hipoteca de $400,000, un préstamo convencional requeriría un pago inicial de $20,000, mientras que un préstamo de la FHA requeriría $14,000. Ahorrar esa cantidad de dinero en efectivo puede llevar años a los miembros del servicio y a los veteranos, pero con el préstamo VA, pueden adquirir una vivienda sin tener que raspar y acumular durante años.



Requisitos crediticios menos estrictos

Es importante que los compradores militares se mantengan informados sobre los requisitos de puntaje crediticio al considerar opciones de financiamiento de vivienda. Aunque los requisitos de calificación crediticia se han suavizado un poco, todavía es necesario cumplir con ciertos puntos de referencia establecidos por los prestamistas convencionales y la FHA. Sin embargo, incluso alcanzar estos puntos de referencia puede ser un desafío para muchos compradores.

La mayoría de los prestamistas del VA exigen un puntaje crediticio de al menos 620, que se encuentra en el rango de puntaje crediticio "justo" de FICO. Los prestatarios normalmente necesitarán alcanzar un umbral más alto para las hipotecas convencionales, particularmente si quieren asegurar una tasa de interés baja. Vale la pena consultar las tasas de préstamos VA para obtener más información sobre las opciones de financiamiento.

A pesar de los conceptos erróneos comunes, los compradores militares no necesitan un puntaje crediticio perfecto para obtener financiamiento. Si bien un puntaje crediticio más alto ciertamente puede ayudar, es importante recordar que los préstamos VA en Mount Pleasant, SC están diseñados para ayudar a los militares y veteranos a acceder a viviendas asequibles.



Ayuda con los costos de cierre

Los costos de cierre son una parte inevitable del proceso de compra de una vivienda, sin importar el tipo de producto hipotecario que elija. Sin embargo, si es un veterano, le complacerá saber que el VA impone límites a las tarifas y costos que debe pagar en el momento del cierre. Además, los compradores de vivienda tienen la opción de pedir a los vendedores que cubran todos los costos de cierre relacionados con el préstamo, así como hasta el 4 por ciento del precio de compra para otros gastos como impuestos pagados por adelantado, seguros y cobros.



No es necesario un seguro hipotecario privado

Conseguir un pago inicial puede ser un desafío tanto para los compradores de viviendas convencionales como para los de la FHA. Además, deben pagar un seguro hipotecario a menos que puedan realizar un pago inicial considerable, normalmente el 20% del precio de compra. Por ejemplo, en una hipoteca de $400,000, esto sería la asombrosa cantidad de $80,000 en efectivo.

Los préstamos de la FHA conllevan una prima de seguro hipotecario inicial y un seguro hipotecario anual. Este último ahora dura toda la vida del préstamo. Por otro lado, los compradores de viviendas convencionales pagarán este costo mensual hasta que hayan acumulado suficiente capital, lo que puede llevar varios años.

Afortunadamente, los préstamos VA no requieren ningún seguro hipotecario. Sin embargo, existe una tarifa de financiación obligatoria que va directamente al Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos. Los prestatarios con una discapacidad relacionada con el servicio están exentos de pagar esta tarifa, lo que ayuda a mantener el programa en marcha para las generaciones futuras.



Quiebra y ejecución hipotecaria

Si ha experimentado un revés financiero, como una ejecución hipotecaria, una venta corta o una quiebra, es posible que le preocupen sus posibilidades de obtener un préstamo hipotecario del VA. Sin embargo, no pierdas la esperanza todavía. Con los préstamos VA, aún es posible ser elegible para un préstamo hipotecario solo dos años después de una ejecución hipotecaria, venta corta o quiebra. En algunos casos, los veteranos que se acogen al Capítulo 13 de protección por quiebra pueden ser elegibles para un préstamo del VA apenas un año después de la fecha de presentación.

Vale la pena señalar que los períodos de espera para el financiamiento convencional o de la FHA pueden ser significativamente más largos que los de los préstamos VA. Además, incluso si ha perdido una hipoteca respaldada por el VA debido a una ejecución hipotecaria, aún puede ser elegible para otro préstamo del VA.

Entonces, si es un veterano que ha experimentado un revés financiero pero aún sueña con ser propietario de una casa, no pierda la esperanza. Explore sus opciones y vea si un préstamo VA con Mission One Mortgage podría ser la solución que necesita.



Flexibilidad de la relación DTI

Es importante tener en cuenta que los prestamistas del VA normalmente prefieren que los prestatarios gasten no más del 41 por ciento de sus ingresos mensuales brutos en deudas importantes, como pagos de hipotecas o préstamos estudiantiles. Sin embargo, es posible obtener un préstamo hipotecario del VA incluso si tiene un índice DTI más alto. Algunos prestamistas pueden ofrecer hasta un 55 por ciento o más, según su puntaje crediticio y su capacidad para cumplir con requisitos de ingresos adicionales. Esto puede brindar a los compradores de viviendas más flexibilidad y mayor poder adquisitivo a la hora de encontrar la casa de sus sueños.

Recordar - Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre los beneficios que acaba de leer, como qué puntaje crediticio requiere Mission One Mortgage para un préstamo VA, comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy. Sería un placer ayudarlo a navegar el proceso de préstamo VA, paso a paso.

Cómo determinar Su elegibilidad para préstamos VA

Una de las preguntas más comunes que recibimos en Mission One Mortgage gira en torno a la elegibilidad para préstamos VA. ¿Quién es realmente elegible para este tipo de préstamo? ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para obtener un préstamo VA? Si cumple con los siguientes requisitos, es probable que sea elegible para un préstamo VA.

  • Si ha completado 90 días de servicio en tiempos de guerra o 181 días de servicio en tiempos de paz, puede calificar como miembro militar en servicio activo o veterano.
  • Si ha servido en la Guardia Nacional o la Reserva durante un mínimo de seis años, o ha completado 90 días de servicio activo bajo las órdenes del Título 32, siendo al menos 30 de ellos consecutivos, puede ser elegible para un préstamo VA en Mount Pleasant, SC.
  • Si su cónyuge era un miembro del servicio que falleció mientras estaba en servicio activo o debido a una discapacidad relacionada con el servicio, y no se ha vuelto a casar, puede ser elegible para un préstamo VA. En algunos casos, los cónyuges sobrevivientes que se volvieron a casar después de los 57 años y después del 16 de diciembre de 2003 también pueden ser elegibles. Los cónyuges de prisioneros de guerra o miembros del servicio desaparecidos en combate también pueden ser elegibles para préstamos VA.
  • Cumple con los requisitos necesarios de crédito e ingresos para ser elegible para un préstamo VA. Es importante tener en cuenta que, si bien el VA no establece un puntaje crediticio mínimo para los préstamos del VA, los prestamistas individuales pueden tener sus propios estándares. Además del crédito, su prestamista también evaluará sus ingresos y deudas para evaluar su capacidad de pagar la hipoteca.
  • La propiedad que está interesado en comprar cumple con los estándares de seguridad y códigos de construcción necesarios. También vale la pena mencionar que en la mayoría de los casos, el prestatario debe hacer de la residencia su hogar principal dentro de los 60 días posteriores a la compra. Sin embargo, existen determinadas circunstancias en las que este plazo puede ampliarse hasta los 12 meses.
 HomeReady Mortgages Mount Pleasant, SC

Siga estos 5 pasos para Comience el proceso de préstamo hipotecario de VA

¿Tiene curiosidad por cuáles son los pasos generales para comprar una casa con un préstamo VA? No estás solo. Continúe leyendo para tener una idea de lo que debe hacer para disfrutar de los maravillosos beneficios de ser propietario de una vivienda.

 Home Ready Mortgages Mount Pleasant, SC

Al solicitar un beneficio de préstamo hipotecario del VA, el Certificado de Elegibilidad (COE) es un documento importante que verifica su elegibilidad ante su prestamista. Si ya ha utilizado su beneficio de préstamo VA en el pasado, un COE actual puede ayudarle a determinar cuánto derecho le queda. Además, puede garantizar que se haya restablecido su derecho a préstamos anteriores respaldados por el VA que se pagaron en su totalidad.

Después de haber solicitado su COE, es una buena idea examinar sus finanzas. Estamos hablando de elementos como ingresos, gastos, perfil crediticio y su presupuesto mensual. De esa manera, estará seguro de que está listo para comprar una casa.

Como veterano, tiene la opción de acudir a un banco, una cooperativa de crédito o una compañía hipotecaria privada de VA como Mission One Mortgage. La mayoría de los prestamistas tendrán diferentes tasas de interés y tarifas de préstamo, por lo que es importante comparar precios. Recuerde: Mission One se especializa en préstamos VA en Mount Pleasant, SC. Otros prestamistas, como grandes corporaciones y bancos, a menudo no pueden igualar la experiencia y la atención al detalle que Mission One brinda a los veteranos.

Durante esta fase, es una buena idea reunirse con una variedad de profesionales inmobiliarios. Intente elegir un agente que tenga experiencia en procesar y supervisar préstamos VA. Una vez que seleccione un agente, puede llevar la carta de aprobación previa de su prestamista a su oficina y comenzar a comprar.

Esta es la mejor parte del proceso de préstamo VA, además de recibir las llaves de su nuevo hogar. Cuando busque una casa, recuerde buscar casas dentro de su rango de precio y presupuesto. Confíe en su agente de bienes raíces, amigos y familiares para obtener ayuda en su búsqueda.

Un consejo de Mission One Mortgage

Si está pensando en comprar una casa, es importante sopesar los pros y los contras de ser propietario de una vivienda. Si bien el alquiler puede brindar flexibilidad y menos responsabilidad por el mantenimiento, conlleva el riesgo de aumentos en el alquiler, posibles ventas de propiedades e incertidumbre sobre los reembolsos de los depósitos de seguridad.

Por otro lado, ser propietario de una casa puede ofrecer pagos hipotecarios relativamente estables y una oportunidad de generar riqueza a largo plazo para usted y su familia. Antes de tomar una decisión, es fundamental determinar sus prioridades, como su presupuesto mensual para pagos de hipoteca y otros gastos como transporte y cuidado de niños. En última instancia, sólo usted puede determinar qué es lo mejor para sus necesidades financieras y de vivienda.

La clave para ser propietario de una vivienda Comienza con un préstamo VA en Mount Pleasant, SC

En Mission One Mortgage, nos enorgullecemos de simplificar el proceso hipotecario y garantizar que nuestros clientes experimenten el mínimo estrés. Entendemos que navegar por el mundo de las hipotecas puede ser desalentador, por lo que nos comprometemos a hacerlo lo más sencillo posible.

Al elegir trabajar con nosotros, no solo está contratando un agente hipotecario, sino que está seleccionando un socio que se dedica a su bienestar financiero y a ayudarlo a lograr su sueño de ser propietario de una vivienda. Trabajando juntos, podemos avanzar en el proceso de préstamo VA paso a paso.

Esto es válido para todos nuestros clientes, pero especialmente para los veteranos estadounidenses a quienes servimos. De hecho, nos especializamos en hipotecas VA y estamos orgullosos de ofrecerlas a los veteranos estadounidenses, a los que están en servicio activo y a sus cónyuges. Los préstamos VA son una de las mejores hipotecas disponibles, no ofrecen requisitos de pago inicial ni PMI y algunas de las tasas y términos más favorables.

Si está listo para dar el siguiente gran paso en su vida y brindar estabilidad a su familia con un lugar al que llamar hogar, comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy. Está más cerca del sueño de ser propietario de una vivienda de lo que piensa.

Want to know more?

Aclara tus consultas ¡Llámanos ahora! (843)822-5685

Latest News in Mount Pleasant, SC

High praise for Novant SC hospitals

Novant Health recently announced the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA) awarded 21 Certified Zero Harm Awards to its South Carolina hospitals in 2024. These awards highlight how the team's commitment to safety has successfully eliminated some of the most common medical errors in health care today.SCHA created the Zero Harm program in collaboration with both The Duke Endowment and The Joint Commission Center for Transforming Health. This initiative supports statewide efforts to create a culture of high reliability and reduce ha...

Novant Health recently announced the South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA) awarded 21 Certified Zero Harm Awards to its South Carolina hospitals in 2024. These awards highlight how the team's commitment to safety has successfully eliminated some of the most common medical errors in health care today.

SCHA created the Zero Harm program in collaboration with both The Duke Endowment and The Joint Commission Center for Transforming Health. This initiative supports statewide efforts to create a culture of high reliability and reduce harm in health care facilities.

“To earn these awards, hospitals must avoid or eliminate specific hospital-acquired infections, and that data is independently verified by the state health department,” said Monica Davis, director of clinical quality improvement for East Cooper Medical Center. “Our patients trust us to protect them and help them get healthier when they’re in the hospital, and these awards prove how hard our team works to create the safest environment.”

These awards underscore the dedication of team members to safety, which has effectively reduced some of the most prevalent medical errors in health care today, with a focus on central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) and surgical site infections (SSI).

Coastal Carolina Hospital

• Hospital onset MRSA

• SSI - Hip Replacement

• SSI - Colon Surgery

• SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy

• Pressure Injury

• CLABSI - Medical/Surgical

• CLABSI - Intensive Care Unit

East Cooper Medical Center

• Hospital onset methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

• SSI - Knee Replacement

• SSI - Hip Replacement

• SSI - Colon Surgery

• SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy


• CLABSI - Medical Surgical Unit

• CLABSI - Rehab

• Drive to Zero Workplace Violence

Hilton Head Hospital

• SSI - Knee Replacement

• SSI - Hip Replacement

• Pressure Injury

• CLABSI - Intensive Care Unit

• CLABSI - Acute Care Unit

“Creating safe facilities requires commitment every day from our health care team, from medical providers to the environmental services staff. We’re proud of our dedicated employees across South Carolina. Patients know they’re safe in our care,” said Dawn Ojeda, market director for clinical quality improvement at Novant Health Hilton Head Regional Healthcare.

“The Zero Harm program is a prime example of a successful partnership between the public and private sector that improves the quality of life in South Carolina,” said Melanie Matney, the chief operating officer of SCHA and the president of the SCHA Foundation. “As medical errors continue to be a major concern across the country, South Carolina has developed a blueprint for reducing avoidable harm in our health care facilities that other states can follow.

“Zero patient harm is possible only if physicians, clinical and support staff members work together to support a culture of high reliability,” said Matney. “Zero Harm Award winners are an inspiration to all hospitals across the state striving to provide measurably safe care for every patient.”

12 Essential Stops for Pizza in Charleston

Do people come to the Lowcountry to eat pizza? Perhaps they should. Great pizza is plentiful in the Charleston area, from the downtown peninsula to Mount Pleasant and Summerville. Locals and visitors are fortunate to have different styles to choose from, including New York, Neapolitan, and Detroit deep-dish. And these spots offer much more than your standard pie, so customer cravings — and imaginations — can run wild. Read More...

Do people come to the Lowcountry to eat pizza? Perhaps they should. Great pizza is plentiful in the Charleston area, from the downtown peninsula to Mount Pleasant and Summerville. Locals and visitors are fortunate to have different styles to choose from, including New York, Neapolitan, and Detroit deep-dish. And these spots offer much more than your standard pie, so customer cravings — and imaginations — can run wild.

Read More

Eater maps are curated by editors and aim to reflect a diversity of neighborhoods, cuisines, and prices. Learn more about our editorial process. If you buy something or book a reservation from an Eater link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics policy.

Downtown Summerville’s Brooklyn South, as the name suggests, is the place to get a New York-style slice. Channel the Corleones with the Godfather — featuring ham, salami, pepperoni, provolone, banana peppers, and mozzarella — or try Jake’s Smokehouse pizza with smoky charbroiled chicken and bacon plus smoked cheddar, mozzarella, and barbecue sauce.

Grab take-out or delivery from this North Charleston establishment. Choose from one of the many creations like the pepperoni and pineapple topped Big Z or the barbecue chicken Bird on the Wire. Any pie can be made into a calzone, and the eatery also offers toasted sandwiches and salads.

Each component of this Park Circle parlor’s Neapolitan-style pies is chosen with care, from the bakery-quality dough to the local cheese. EVO’s ingredients are picked from local farms to form masterful combinations like the pancetta, Brussels sprouts, and pear pie. Meat eaters can’t go wrong with the renowned Pork Trifecta made with handmade sausage, bacon, and pepperoni.

This family pizza business traveled from Detroit to Mount Pleasant to bring locals the deep-dish style baked in blue steel pans. If you’re feeling extra indulgent, try one of the pies featuring “brick cheese” from Wisconsin. Favorites include the BLT (with bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo) or the Buffalo chicken pizza with blue cheese crumbles.

Customers can find creative neo-Neapolitan pies out of Renzo, like the classic margherita or the creative Cheli with feta, lamb sausage, pickled peppers, and honey. There’s also non-pizza options like charred broccolini with XO sauce or a crunchy Caesar salad. The wine list is pretty rad too.

2018 Eater Pizza of the Year award winner Melfi’s offers thin and crispy Roman-style pizzas in an elegant atmosphere with white tablecloths. The Stretch Armstrong, an amped-up margherita pie highlighted by a stretchy homemade stracciatella cheese.

Philadelphia natives Nick and Ben D’Allesandro wanted D’als to be a casual shop with cold beer and handmade pizza, which is exactly what it has become for the Cannonborough/Elliotborough neighborhood since opening in 2006. Diners can go for a classic meat lovers or head for one of the more unique — and tasty — options like the Beetnick topped with bacon, goat cheese, and golden beets.

In addition to fresh pastas and seasonal starters, King Street Italian restaurant Indaco offers several wood-fired pizzas. Selections range from the classic margherita to a lamb version with ricotta and olives.

Hip hotel restaurant Frannie and the Fox offers woof-fired creations in a buzzy atmosphere. The standout pizza is the classic margherita with its perfect portions of flavors, but if a meatier option is required, take a look at the fennel sausage pie with red onion.

Crust’s entire menu is worth checking out, from the delicious salads with local shrimp to pastas and sandwiches. Customize a 12-inch pie the way you like it, or opt for one of the pizzas with or without tomato sauce. The Butternut — roasted squash, mushroom, caramelized onion, goat cheese, fresh mozzarella, arugula, and truffle oil — has been beloved by fans since the restaurant’s inception.

There are multiple Famulari’s Pizzeria locations in the Charleston area, but the James Island one doubles as a brewery offering house brewed beers like the Cup of Clouds New England style IPA. For pizza, find a seemingly endless variety of topping options, from pineapple to pesto to cheese steak.

Mobile kitchen Dough Boyz Pizza has amassed an army of fanatic followers around the Lowcounty. The charred crust and just-thin-enough dough makes for repeat customers. The truck can be found at the Sea Island Farmers Market, various breweries, and sometimes Graft wine shop. The pepperoni and banana pepper pie brings the right amount of spice and tang to satisfy, while the prosciutto pie is an indulgent blanket of ham-y goodness.

Downtown Summerville’s Brooklyn South, as the name suggests, is the place to get a New York-style slice. Channel the Corleones with the Godfather — featuring ham, salami, pepperoni, provolone, banana peppers, and mozzarella — or try Jake’s Smokehouse pizza with smoky charbroiled chicken and bacon plus smoked cheddar, mozzarella, and barbecue sauce.

Grab take-out or delivery from this North Charleston establishment. Choose from one of the many creations like the pepperoni and pineapple topped Big Z or the barbecue chicken Bird on the Wire. Any pie can be made into a calzone, and the eatery also offers toasted sandwiches and salads.

Each component of this Park Circle parlor’s Neapolitan-style pies is chosen with care, from the bakery-quality dough to the local cheese. EVO’s ingredients are picked from local farms to form masterful combinations like the pancetta, Brussels sprouts, and pear pie. Meat eaters can’t go wrong with the renowned Pork Trifecta made with handmade sausage, bacon, and pepperoni.

This family pizza business traveled from Detroit to Mount Pleasant to bring locals the deep-dish style baked in blue steel pans. If you’re feeling extra indulgent, try one of the pies featuring “brick cheese” from Wisconsin. Favorites include the BLT (with bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo) or the Buffalo chicken pizza with blue cheese crumbles.

Customers can find creative neo-Neapolitan pies out of Renzo, like the classic margherita or the creative Cheli with feta, lamb sausage, pickled peppers, and honey. There’s also non-pizza options like charred broccolini with XO sauce or a crunchy Caesar salad. The wine list is pretty rad too.

2018 Eater Pizza of the Year award winner Melfi’s offers thin and crispy Roman-style pizzas in an elegant atmosphere with white tablecloths. The Stretch Armstrong, an amped-up margherita pie highlighted by a stretchy homemade stracciatella cheese.

Philadelphia natives Nick and Ben D’Allesandro wanted D’als to be a casual shop with cold beer and handmade pizza, which is exactly what it has become for the Cannonborough/Elliotborough neighborhood since opening in 2006. Diners can go for a classic meat lovers or head for one of the more unique — and tasty — options like the Beetnick topped with bacon, goat cheese, and golden beets.

In addition to fresh pastas and seasonal starters, King Street Italian restaurant Indaco offers several wood-fired pizzas. Selections range from the classic margherita to a lamb version with ricotta and olives.

Hip hotel restaurant Frannie and the Fox offers woof-fired creations in a buzzy atmosphere. The standout pizza is the classic margherita with its perfect portions of flavors, but if a meatier option is required, take a look at the fennel sausage pie with red onion.

Crust’s entire menu is worth checking out, from the delicious salads with local shrimp to pastas and sandwiches. Customize a 12-inch pie the way you like it, or opt for one of the pizzas with or without tomato sauce. The Butternut — roasted squash, mushroom, caramelized onion, goat cheese, fresh mozzarella, arugula, and truffle oil — has been beloved by fans since the restaurant’s inception.

There are multiple Famulari’s Pizzeria locations in the Charleston area, but the James Island one doubles as a brewery offering house brewed beers like the Cup of Clouds New England style IPA. For pizza, find a seemingly endless variety of topping options, from pineapple to pesto to cheese steak.

Mobile kitchen Dough Boyz Pizza has amassed an army of fanatic followers around the Lowcounty. The charred crust and just-thin-enough dough makes for repeat customers. The truck can be found at the Sea Island Farmers Market, various breweries, and sometimes Graft wine shop. The pepperoni and banana pepper pie brings the right amount of spice and tang to satisfy, while the prosciutto pie is an indulgent blanket of ham-y goodness.

Military antique show returns to Mount Pleasant, featuring door prizes and free appraisals

MOUNT PLEASANT — Hundreds of antiques and memorabilia from various periods of American history will be on display at the Omar Shrine Auditorium this weekend.Visitors will have the opportunity to take home their own piece of history, talk with collectors and history buffs, and win prizes at the Lowcountry Antique Military a...

MOUNT PLEASANT — Hundreds of antiques and memorabilia from various periods of American history will be on display at the Omar Shrine Auditorium this weekend.

Visitors will have the opportunity to take home their own piece of history, talk with collectors and history buffs, and win prizes at the Lowcountry Antique Military and Americana Show and Sale on Jan. 4 and 5.

Around 200 displays and sales tables will fill the Omar Shrine Temple in Mount Pleasant, manned by antique buyers and sellers who are interested in artifacts from days gone by, including coins, bottles, arrowheads, maps, fossils and relics from the Revolutionary War to World War II.

A certified appraiser will be on-site, ready to evaluate any antiques or artifacts brought to the show for free. Butch Holcombe, publisher of American Digger magazine, which sponsors the show, encouraged people who have old items or hand-me-downs lying around to bring them in.

Holcombe said you never know what might come through the show's doors.

In past years, he's seen a Civil War-era belt buckle with the Maryland state seal be valued at $75,000. Another time, a man came in with a box of rare Confederate bullets and sold them all before the show ended.

"It is a great place for people to come if they've got … an old musket in the closet, or an old newspaper or letter signed by great-great-grandpa. Bring it to the show and let people look at it. They can not only authenticate it, but they can give you a very good idea of what it's worth," Holcombe said.

Anita Holcombe, executive director of American Digger magazine, said many of the vendors have spent years cultivating their collections and have an extensive knowledge of their history niche.

"There's plenty of people who've been doing this for years, collecting, that they can really teach people about what artifact it is they hold," she said.

The event is popular with relic hunters who use metal detectors and collectors of military artifacts, though modern history displays are represented, as well. Event organizers noted there will be security inspecting antique guns or weapons before entering.

This year's show will feature awards for historical displays and door prizes for the public. Tickets are $10 at the door for adults. Children under the age of 12 will receive free admission and a small artifact.

The Lowcountry Antique Military and Americana Show and Sale will be at the Omar Shrine Auditorium, 176 Patriots Point Road, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Jan. 4 and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Jan. 5.

Tiffany & Co. and Valentino among 11 luxury retailers opening in Charleston area this February

Tiffany & Co. is bringing its upscale jewelry and iconic blue bags to the Lowcountry.The nearly 190-year-old jeweler is one of 11 luxury retailers traveling the U.S. as part of the Bal Harbour Shops Access Pop-up Tour, which hits Mount Pleasant's Ferry Wharf on Feb. 7.The high-end Florida roadshow will remain open locally until early April.Brand names opening for a limited stay include Tiffany & Co., Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Balmain, Assouline, Etro, Cremieux, Golden Goose, Johanna Ortiz and Lanvin....

Tiffany & Co. is bringing its upscale jewelry and iconic blue bags to the Lowcountry.

The nearly 190-year-old jeweler is one of 11 luxury retailers traveling the U.S. as part of the Bal Harbour Shops Access Pop-up Tour, which hits Mount Pleasant's Ferry Wharf on Feb. 7.

The high-end Florida roadshow will remain open locally until early April.

Brand names opening for a limited stay include Tiffany & Co., Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Balmain, Assouline, Etro, Cremieux, Golden Goose, Johanna Ortiz and Lanvin.

“Charleston’s growing luxury retail scene excites us, and we’re thrilled to bring this unique experience to the Lowcountry,” said Matthew Whitman Lazenby, president and CEO of Whitman Family Development, the creator of the Bal Harbour concept.

In operation since 1965, the original Bal Harbour Shops was founded by Stanley Whitman in Miami. The development was the first all-luxury fashion center in the U.S. featuring high-end retailers in an open-air setting.

In 2023, Whitman Family Development decided to take the experience on the road for two-month residencies using modular shipping containers that can be transported around the country.

The 17,000-square-foot Access Pop-up in Mount Pleasant will include The Whitman restaurant — the main Bal Harbour restaurant in Florida— as well as temporary landscape to mimic the Miami shopping center's tropical design. Think Zen garden, Koi ponds, palm trees and a curated soundtrack.

"Bal Harbour choosing Mount Pleasant is a great testament to our growing reputation as a high-quality shopping destination," said Matt Brady, Mount Pleasant's economic development director. "Their pop-up brings a touch of luxury to our community, and highlights our appeal to world class retailers and visitors alike."

The Charleston pop-up, created by LOT-EK, will kick off with a week of grand opening events starting Feb. 7. Hours will run 11 a.m. through 7 p.m. until closing day April 4.

Boutique sizes range from 250 square feet to 640 square feet or more.

The Charleston event is the pop-up tour's sixth U.S. stop since 2023. Previous stops included Raleigh, Sarasota, Greenville, West Palm Beach and Walton County, Fla.

Commentary: Questions linger on scuttled Patriots Point tax plan

Opinion Syndicated and guest columns represent the personal views of the writers, not necessarily those of the editorial staff. The editorial department operates entirely independently of the news department and is not involved in newsroom operations.Thankfully, Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie’s ill-conceived plan to impose a sales tax increase on residents to fund improvements for Patriots Point appears dead, at least for now. To ...


Syndicated and guest columns represent the personal views of the writers, not necessarily those of the editorial staff. The editorial department operates entirely independently of the news department and is not involved in newsroom operations.

Thankfully, Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie’s ill-conceived plan to impose a sales tax increase on residents to fund improvements for Patriots Point appears dead, at least for now. To his credit, Mayor Haynie took sole responsibility for the rushed rollout and botched process that led many to question how such an ambitious plan could be hatched in secret.

While the mayor’s apology is appreciated, there remain many questions that must be answered to ensure that trust in the town’s government is not eroded permanently.

To begin, how did this get past a conceptual plan without the involvement of Town Council? Mount Pleasant has a strong-council, weak-mayor form of government, which means that the mayor has no power to unilaterally direct town staff. But somehow Mayor Haynie, with the assistance of taxpayer-funded staff and paid consultants, developed a detailed plan without the full council’s authorization. The plan documents show that his scheme originated months ago, but Mayor Haynie chose to pursue his plan without input from Town Council through our normal committee process, which would have provided necessary transparency and vetting.

Similarly, the town’s taxpayers deserve to know how much of their money was used to fund the plan developed by Mayor Haynie, and who authorized the expenditure of those funds. The plan reveals that no less than three different consulting firms were hired to develop drawings, calculate the projected economic impact of the project and estimate the project’s costs, among other things.

But Town Council did not specifically approve the funds for these consultants, nor are council members aware of how they were selected or how their fees were negotiated. Town residents deserve to know how one elected official could commandeer town resources to advance a plan that does not reflect the vision of the majority of the town’s elected leaders.

It is also imperative that we figure out why key stakeholders and prospective partners were not consulted prior to the release of the plan. For example, the S.C. Department of Natural Resources, which holds a conservation easement over some of the property to be developed, was never contacted. Likewise, the plan was not reviewed by key business leaders who would have been responsible for private components of the project before it was rolled out. Regardless of whether the failure to consult with important partners was the result of oversight or incompetence, it certainly has hurt the town’s relationships with these stakeholders, who will be essential to Patriot Point’s future development. We must begin mending these relationships, and the first step in that process is determining how and why such a colossal mistake was made in the first place.

It is also fair to ask why Mayor Haynie attempted to ram his plan through council instead of allowing the town's voters to decide whether his vision for Patriots Point was worth a tax increase. Under state law, the so-called tourism development fee proposed by the mayor can be authorized by a municipality’s governing body or by the voters through a referendum.

For some reason, which the mayor should explain, he decided that he and other council members knew better whether this tax increase should be adopted than the thousands of taxpayers who must pay the tax. This apparent disdain for the democratic process is disturbing under any circumstance, but even more so considering that we have all been paying more at grocery stores and gas pumps in recent years. Put simply, whether the mayor of the state’s fourth-largest municipality believes citizens should have a direct voice in important matters such as this tax increase is a defining issue that reflects on his ability to lead the town.

These are only a few of the questions that must be answered in the coming weeks and months. Town Council must be committed to obtaining these answers and restoring trust through transparency and collaboration. In doing so, we will ensure future projects, including the development of Patriots Point, adhere to established procedures and prioritize public input. Together, we will move forward and rebuild the confidence of our community.

John Iacofano is a Mount Pleasant Town Council member.


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