Los préstamos VA se establecieron antes del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y desde entonces han ayudado a numerosos veteranos, miembros del servicio y familias de militares a cumplir su sueño de ser propietarios de una casa. En los últimos tiempos, el programa se ha vuelto cada vez más importante, ya que el volumen de préstamos del VA se ha disparado y ofrece importantes ventajas financieras que permiten a innumerables veteranos comprar viviendas, lo que hace que la propiedad de vivienda sea una posibilidad para aquellos que de otro modo no habrían calificado.
Si sacrificó la comodidad y la seguridad para ayudar a proteger nuestra gran nación, Mission One Mortgage le agradece su servicio. Creemos que no hay mayor honor que servir a quienes han servido a nuestro país. No tenemos miedo de hacer todo lo posible por nuestros veteranos porque eso es exactamente lo que ellos hicieron por nosotros.
Un préstamo VA es una opción hipotecaria respaldada por el gobierno y disponible para veteranos, miembros del servicio y cónyuges sobrevivientes. Lo ofrecen prestamistas privados como bancos y compañías hipotecarias y no directamente el Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos.
Los préstamos hipotecarios del VA tienen tasas de interés y términos competitivos y se pueden utilizar para comprar una variedad de propiedades, incluidas:
Uno de los grandes beneficios de los préstamos VA es que los veteranos elegibles pueden comprar una casa sin pago inicial, sin seguro hipotecario, requisitos crediticios indulgentes y las tasas fijas promedio más bajas del mercado.
En Mission One Mortgage, trabajamos con muchos veteranos que saben que existen préstamos VA pero no comprenden toda la gama de beneficios que brindan. Si esto te suena familiar, sigue leyendo. Esta sección fue escrita especialmente para usted.
Uno de los beneficios más destacados del programa de préstamos VA es que los prestatarios calificados pueden comprar una casa sin tener que hacer un pago inicial hasta el límite del préstamo conforme de su condado. Esta es una ventaja significativa sobre los préstamos convencionales y de la FHA, que normalmente requieren pagos iniciales mínimos del 5 por ciento y el 3,5 por ciento, respectivamente.
Por ejemplo, en una hipoteca de $400,000, un préstamo convencional requeriría un pago inicial de $20,000, mientras que un préstamo de la FHA requeriría $14,000. Ahorrar esa cantidad de dinero en efectivo puede llevar años a los miembros del servicio y a los veteranos, pero con el préstamo VA, pueden adquirir una vivienda sin tener que raspar y acumular durante años.
Es importante que los compradores militares se mantengan informados sobre los requisitos de puntaje crediticio al considerar opciones de financiamiento de vivienda. Aunque los requisitos de calificación crediticia se han suavizado un poco, todavía es necesario cumplir con ciertos puntos de referencia establecidos por los prestamistas convencionales y la FHA. Sin embargo, incluso alcanzar estos puntos de referencia puede ser un desafío para muchos compradores.
La mayoría de los prestamistas del VA exigen un puntaje crediticio de al menos 620, que se encuentra en el rango de puntaje crediticio "justo" de FICO. Los prestatarios normalmente necesitarán alcanzar un umbral más alto para las hipotecas convencionales, particularmente si quieren asegurar una tasa de interés baja. Vale la pena consultar las tasas de préstamos VA para obtener más información sobre las opciones de financiamiento.
A pesar de los conceptos erróneos comunes, los compradores militares no necesitan un puntaje crediticio perfecto para obtener financiamiento. Si bien un puntaje crediticio más alto ciertamente puede ayudar, es importante recordar que los préstamos VA en Richland, SC están diseñados para ayudar a los militares y veteranos a acceder a viviendas asequibles.
Los costos de cierre son una parte inevitable del proceso de compra de una vivienda, sin importar el tipo de producto hipotecario que elija. Sin embargo, si es un veterano, le complacerá saber que el VA impone límites a las tarifas y costos que debe pagar en el momento del cierre. Además, los compradores de vivienda tienen la opción de pedir a los vendedores que cubran todos los costos de cierre relacionados con el préstamo, así como hasta el 4 por ciento del precio de compra para otros gastos como impuestos pagados por adelantado, seguros y cobros.
Conseguir un pago inicial puede ser un desafío tanto para los compradores de viviendas convencionales como para los de la FHA. Además, deben pagar un seguro hipotecario a menos que puedan realizar un pago inicial considerable, normalmente el 20% del precio de compra. Por ejemplo, en una hipoteca de $400,000, esto sería la asombrosa cantidad de $80,000 en efectivo.
Los préstamos de la FHA conllevan una prima de seguro hipotecario inicial y un seguro hipotecario anual. Este último ahora dura toda la vida del préstamo. Por otro lado, los compradores de viviendas convencionales pagarán este costo mensual hasta que hayan acumulado suficiente capital, lo que puede llevar varios años.
Afortunadamente, los préstamos VA no requieren ningún seguro hipotecario. Sin embargo, existe una tarifa de financiación obligatoria que va directamente al Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos. Los prestatarios con una discapacidad relacionada con el servicio están exentos de pagar esta tarifa, lo que ayuda a mantener el programa en marcha para las generaciones futuras.
Si ha experimentado un revés financiero, como una ejecución hipotecaria, una venta corta o una quiebra, es posible que le preocupen sus posibilidades de obtener un préstamo hipotecario del VA. Sin embargo, no pierdas la esperanza todavía. Con los préstamos VA, aún es posible ser elegible para un préstamo hipotecario solo dos años después de una ejecución hipotecaria, venta corta o quiebra. En algunos casos, los veteranos que se acogen al Capítulo 13 de protección por quiebra pueden ser elegibles para un préstamo del VA apenas un año después de la fecha de presentación.
Vale la pena señalar que los períodos de espera para el financiamiento convencional o de la FHA pueden ser significativamente más largos que los de los préstamos VA. Además, incluso si ha perdido una hipoteca respaldada por el VA debido a una ejecución hipotecaria, aún puede ser elegible para otro préstamo del VA.
Entonces, si es un veterano que ha experimentado un revés financiero pero aún sueña con ser propietario de una casa, no pierda la esperanza. Explore sus opciones y vea si un préstamo VA con Mission One Mortgage podría ser la solución que necesita.
Es importante tener en cuenta que los prestamistas del VA normalmente prefieren que los prestatarios gasten no más del 41 por ciento de sus ingresos mensuales brutos en deudas importantes, como pagos de hipotecas o préstamos estudiantiles. Sin embargo, es posible obtener un préstamo hipotecario del VA incluso si tiene un índice DTI más alto. Algunos prestamistas pueden ofrecer hasta un 55 por ciento o más, según su puntaje crediticio y su capacidad para cumplir con requisitos de ingresos adicionales. Esto puede brindar a los compradores de viviendas más flexibilidad y mayor poder adquisitivo a la hora de encontrar la casa de sus sueños.
Recordar - Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre los beneficios que acaba de leer, como qué puntaje crediticio requiere Mission One Mortgage para un préstamo VA, comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy. Sería un placer ayudarlo a navegar el proceso de préstamo VA, paso a paso.
Una de las preguntas más comunes que recibimos en Mission One Mortgage gira en torno a la elegibilidad para préstamos VA. ¿Quién es realmente elegible para este tipo de préstamo? ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para obtener un préstamo VA? Si cumple con los siguientes requisitos, es probable que sea elegible para un préstamo VA.
¿Tiene curiosidad por cuáles son los pasos generales para comprar una casa con un préstamo VA? No estás solo. Continúe leyendo para tener una idea de lo que debe hacer para disfrutar de los maravillosos beneficios de ser propietario de una vivienda.
Al solicitar un beneficio de préstamo hipotecario del VA, el Certificado de Elegibilidad (COE) es un documento importante que verifica su elegibilidad ante su prestamista. Si ya ha utilizado su beneficio de préstamo VA en el pasado, un COE actual puede ayudarle a determinar cuánto derecho le queda. Además, puede garantizar que se haya restablecido su derecho a préstamos anteriores respaldados por el VA que se pagaron en su totalidad.
Después de haber solicitado su COE, es una buena idea examinar sus finanzas. Estamos hablando de elementos como ingresos, gastos, perfil crediticio y su presupuesto mensual. De esa manera, estará seguro de que está listo para comprar una casa.
Como veterano, tiene la opción de acudir a un banco, una cooperativa de crédito o una compañía hipotecaria privada de VA como Mission One Mortgage. La mayoría de los prestamistas tendrán diferentes tasas de interés y tarifas de préstamo, por lo que es importante comparar precios. Recuerde: Mission One se especializa en préstamos VA en Richland, SC. Otros prestamistas, como grandes corporaciones y bancos, a menudo no pueden igualar la experiencia y la atención al detalle que Mission One brinda a los veteranos.
Durante esta fase, es una buena idea reunirse con una variedad de profesionales inmobiliarios. Intente elegir un agente que tenga experiencia en procesar y supervisar préstamos VA. Una vez que seleccione un agente, puede llevar la carta de aprobación previa de su prestamista a su oficina y comenzar a comprar.
Esta es la mejor parte del proceso de préstamo VA, además de recibir las llaves de su nuevo hogar. Cuando busque una casa, recuerde buscar casas dentro de su rango de precio y presupuesto. Confíe en su agente de bienes raíces, amigos y familiares para obtener ayuda en su búsqueda.
Si está pensando en comprar una casa, es importante sopesar los pros y los contras de ser propietario de una vivienda. Si bien el alquiler puede brindar flexibilidad y menos responsabilidad por el mantenimiento, conlleva el riesgo de aumentos en el alquiler, posibles ventas de propiedades e incertidumbre sobre los reembolsos de los depósitos de seguridad.
Por otro lado, ser propietario de una casa puede ofrecer pagos hipotecarios relativamente estables y una oportunidad de generar riqueza a largo plazo para usted y su familia. Antes de tomar una decisión, es fundamental determinar sus prioridades, como su presupuesto mensual para pagos de hipoteca y otros gastos como transporte y cuidado de niños. En última instancia, sólo usted puede determinar qué es lo mejor para sus necesidades financieras y de vivienda.
En Mission One Mortgage, nos enorgullecemos de simplificar el proceso hipotecario y garantizar que nuestros clientes experimenten el mínimo estrés. Entendemos que navegar por el mundo de las hipotecas puede ser desalentador, por lo que nos comprometemos a hacerlo lo más sencillo posible.
Al elegir trabajar con nosotros, no solo está contratando un agente hipotecario, sino que está seleccionando un socio que se dedica a su bienestar financiero y a ayudarlo a lograr su sueño de ser propietario de una vivienda. Trabajando juntos, podemos avanzar en el proceso de préstamo VA paso a paso.
Esto es válido para todos nuestros clientes, pero especialmente para los veteranos estadounidenses a quienes servimos. De hecho, nos especializamos en hipotecas VA y estamos orgullosos de ofrecerlas a los veteranos estadounidenses, a los que están en servicio activo y a sus cónyuges. Los préstamos VA son una de las mejores hipotecas disponibles, no ofrecen requisitos de pago inicial ni PMI y algunas de las tasas y términos más favorables.
Si está listo para dar el siguiente gran paso en su vida y brindar estabilidad a su familia con un lugar al que llamar hogar, comuníquese con nuestra oficina hoy. Está más cerca del sueño de ser propietario de una vivienda de lo que piensa.
RICHLAND COUNTY, S.C. (WIS) - It’s been 68 days since former Broadway dancer Zelig Williams was last seen or heard from.Richland County investigators said Williams was last seen leaving his family home on Longwood Road on Oct. 3.The next day Williams’ car was found by a deputy in the parking lot of the Palmetto Trail Parking Lott off Bluff Road near McCord’s Ferry Roa...
RICHLAND COUNTY, S.C. (WIS) - It’s been 68 days since former Broadway dancer Zelig Williams was last seen or heard from.
Richland County investigators said Williams was last seen leaving his family home on Longwood Road on Oct. 3.
The next day Williams’ car was found by a deputy in the parking lot of the Palmetto Trail Parking Lott off Bluff Road near McCord’s Ferry Road.
On Tuesday, family, friends, and community members went back out to the trail for four hours to search for the 28-year-old again.
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Volunteers combed through the thick woods walking for miles, but unfortunately didn’t find any new answers.
With no sign of Zelig Williams yet, the Williams family remains hopeful.
“We’re going to always have hope but time is passing,” said Meioki Corbett Jacobs, Zelig’s cousin.
WIS was there as family, friends and community members embarked on the first of a series of organized searches scheduled for this week.
We asked Corbett Jacobs what exactly they’re hoping to find.
“Anything. Literally anything, that would lead us to Zelig,” she said. “You know the water was pretty high before when he was missing and even before Helene the water was high so really anything.”
More than 20 people showed up for the search on Tuesday and split into two groups.
One group searched by foot while the other group searched by boat.
WIS spoke with Zelig’s mother after the search ended for the day.
“I think it went very well and I felt at peace on the trail and everything and that’s a good thing,” said Kathy Williams, Zelig’s mother. “I just trust God. I have faith in him, and I believe and that’s all I need.”
But, this wasn’t the first time the family searched the trail.
WIS was there in early October just days after Zelig didn’t come home.
Now the family has extra help.
We Are the Essentials, a non profit group out of Florida, has teamed up with the family to help search.
Their team is made up of retired investigators.
“Our team was actually out here a month ago and did some searching today we’re doing a follow up,” Nico Tusconi, the president of We Are the Essentials.
Tusconi said weather conditions last month made their search more difficult.
“It was different water levels stuff like that and now that the waters have receded we’re out here just making sure we didn’t miss anything.“
Investigators with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD) were there Tuesday morning helping with the search.
They said they are conducting their own searches, but could not say how they’ve been searching because of the ongoing investigation.
Another search is scheduled for Zelig on Thursday, Dec. 12.
The family is asking for more volunteers.
If you’re interested in helping, they ask that you be at the Palmetto Trail by 8:30.
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Published: Oct. 15, 2024 at 2:26 PM PDT|
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - It’s been more than a week since the disappearance of former Broadway dancer Zelig Williams.
The 28-year-old was last seen leaving his home on Longwood Road in Richland County on Oct. 3. A day later, his car was found more than 30 miles away parked at the Palmetto Trail Head parking lot.
Williams disappearance has made national headlines.
Actor Hugh Jackman, who worked alongside Williams, made a public call to action to bring Williams home.
Williams was widely known for his dancing career. He’s danced in several Broadway productions including Hamilton and MJ: The Musical.
Family members are continuing with their own search.
Private Investigator Chandra Cleveland, of SHE-Private Investigations, announced on Tuesday the family had hired her to investigate Williams' disappearance.
The press release from Cleveland said Williams was a “devoted believer in God,” and that he “had been exploring his faith by visiting various churches in the area and may have joined a men’s group.
The investigator asked anyone who may have had any interaction with him recently in church to also come forward, the news release said.
“It is unclear where Zelig was headed the morning he disappeared, and the family is eager to speak with anyone who may have seen or spoken with him around that time,” the news release said.
It also notes Williams needs medication.
Cleveland’s number is: 855-218-7772 and asks anyone with information to call her.
Investigators with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department told us, at last check, they were searching through phone records but there are no new updates at this time.
The family is urging anyone with any information on his whereabouts to please reach out to the Richland County Sheriff’s Department. The non-emergency line for the department is: 803-576-3000.
The sheriff’s department is planning to hold a press conference on Oct. 16 at 11 a.m.
As Williams' family continues to search for him, some of the people that he’s impacted most in the dance community, specifically, at the Southern Strut Dance Studio, are using their talents to raise awareness.
A sense of hope is what these dancers feel when they perform a dance made in honor of Zelig Williams. They performed it for the first time Thursday night ― just a week after Williams disappeared.
“After they were done performing, they said they felt hopeful and they wanted to share the same love Zelig gave to them back to him,” said Nancy Giles, the owner of Southern Strutt.
Giles said she remembered when Williams first came to the studio at 12 years old. Giles said he began dancing in a class once a week.
She said, “I think what stood out to me most was his smile. His eagerness to learn and his light. He had so much light about him.”
And that light quickly became a star.
Williams came to Southern Strutt after losing his two sisters in a car crash. Giles believes he used dance to get him through that tragic period in his life.
“And from there he just moved forward and radiated with hope and light and sunshine and talent,” said Giles. “He was brilliant and just impacted everyone around him,” she added.
A force to be reckoned with is how Giles describes Williams when he hits that dance floor.
She said it wasn’t long after Williams first walked into that studio that he became a part of an elite group of male dancers. Launching his career on Broadway.
“He could make you laugh. He could make you cry. He could make you feel like everything was okay. He could fill your heart all in one performance” she reminisced.
Williams performed in several professional shows including Broadway productions of Hamilton and MJ: The Musical. Giles says she hopes performances like this aid in the effort to bring Williams back home.
“It keeps me hopeful. It keeps me wanting to keep his name and face out there. So people will know he is human and he is worth finding,” said Giles.
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FOREST ACRES — Crews have been tearing down the long-struggling Richland Mall in Forest Acres since March to make way for a city park, apartments and retail space.Since work began on March 21, massive portions of the 930,000-square-foot structure have been torn down, with only a sliver of the three-story building remaining in the back of the lot, furthest awa...
FOREST ACRES — Crews have been tearing down the long-struggling Richland Mall in Forest Acres since March to make way for a city park, apartments and retail space.
Since work began on March 21, massive portions of the 930,000-square-foot structure have been torn down, with only a sliver of the three-story building remaining in the back of the lot, furthest away from the former mall entrances on Forest Drive and North Beltline.
Demolition of the mall structure is proceeding on schedule and is slated to be complete by the end of the year, Forest Acres Mayor Thomas Andrews said at a Dec. 10 meeting where the city approved a master plan for the future park on the site.
“We are happy with the progress of both the mall demolition and the planning for the city’s new park at the site,” Andrews said in a subsequent statement. “So far, everything is on schedule and that’s no small thing for a project of this scope and magnitude.”
After the remaining portions of the mall have been completely razed, workers from Demolition Environmental Company will crush and clear the concrete from the building to be recycled, and prepare the site for future construction.
That work is scheduled to be completed in March 2025, a year after excavators began tearing down the facade of the mall.
“It’s hard to believe we only started demolishing this mall in March,” Andrews said. “And by this time next year, we should expect to see new buildings under construction. It’s an exciting new chapter for our city.”
Crews have remained on track to level the mall despite a fire that broke out as crews tore down the former movie theater on the building’s roof in July, Hurricane Helene’s generational wind damage in Forest Acres in September and multiple arrests of trespassers on the site since demolition began.
Parts of the building which held all of the mall’s former anchor stores have been demolished as of Dec. 20, including the former Barnes and Noble space, which was the last store to leave the mall in Sept. 2023.
The mall’s three-level parking garage has been preserved for use in the site’s future redevelopment, which includes over $100 million in apartments, retail and a public park.
The City of Forest Acres approved a master plan for the six-acre public park slated for a portion of the site at a Dec. 10 meeting. That plan calls for various green spaces and seating areas, a playground and spaces for a farmers market and live performances.
The park will be situated on the back of the site along Pen Branch creek, which formerly ran under the mall’s back parking lot.
The city has taken some of the first steps toward cleaning up the creek in order to make the flowing water a centerpiece of the park, Andrews said at the Dec. 10 meeting.
Augusta-based Southeastern Development bought the 32-acre mall property in an $18.6 million deal in early 2023 before selling the 6-acre park plot to the city for $3 million.
Southeastern has yet to finalize the design for the redevelopment. Preliminary proposals for the mixed-use development include more than 500 apartments, restaurants and retail space, a grocery store and a brewery. Current plans call for a portion of the parking garage to remain for use in the future redevelopment.
“We anticipate the development to create a new city center in Forest Acres,” Andrews said. “We are hopeful the park and the retail will have strong synergy that will be enjoyed not only by our residents, but increase tourism from the greater Midlands into Forest Acres.”
Southeastern has received $23 million in tax breaks from Richland County and Forest Acres, The Post and Courier previously reported. Property taxes on the site will be waived for 20 years, or until the tax value meets that amount.
Southeastern previously forecast the development could take close to a decade to be completed once demolition began, according to a press release on the city’s website.
The first phase featuring the brewery, grocery store, park and some apartments is expected to be finished first, in three to four years, with a second phase of more retail and apartments coming after, taking another four to five years.
The final development will reduce the 930,000-square-feet of retail space in the former mall to around 215,000 square feet in the new development. City officials expect traffic concerns to be muted by the reduction in square footage.
Richland Mall originally opened to the public as a open-air mall in the 1960s before being enclosed in the ‘80s with the three-story building now being demolished. Successful as an open-air shopping center, the mall struggled to attract tenants after being enclosed.
The Richland Mall had welcomed increasingly fewer shoppers and several failed redevelopment plans for over half a century when demolition began in March, marking a new chapter in the city’s history.
Westinghouse’s nuclear fuel plant expansion faces uncertainty as Richland planners rejected rezoning.HOPKINS, S.C. — The Richland County Planning Commission has pumped the brakes on a proposed expansion by Westinghouse Electric Company, potentially slowing progress on a state-of-the-art nuclear fuel plant in Hopkins.In ...
Westinghouse’s nuclear fuel plant expansion faces uncertainty as Richland planners rejected rezoning.
HOPKINS, S.C. — The Richland County Planning Commission has pumped the brakes on a proposed expansion by Westinghouse Electric Company, potentially slowing progress on a state-of-the-art nuclear fuel plant in Hopkins.
In a decision Monday night, the commission recommended disapproval of a rezoning request for 52.71 acres of undeveloped land near Westinghouse’s Bluff Road facility. The company sought to rezone the land from agricultural to heavy industrial to build a new facility for advanced nuclear fuel manufacturing. The rezoning proposal will now go to the Richland County Council, which will make a final decision on December 17.
While Westinghouse has positioned the expansion as a step toward producing Low Enriched Uranium Plus (LEU+), an advanced nuclear fuel, the planning commission found the proposal inconsistent with the county's 2015 Comprehensive Plan, which designates the area for conservation. The plan prioritizes low-impact uses, such as forestry and natural open spaces, particularly near the Congaree River.
Residents raised concerns about potential environmental impacts. The facility is close to the Congaree River biosphere.
Richland County Councilman Don Weaver said Tuesday the council must weigh the economic advantages of the expansion, which promises to bring high-paying, high-tech jobs to the area.
“We don't have a lot of high-tech industry out there,” Weaver said. “These are good-paying jobs, and we want to encourage that.”
Westinghouse announced in 2023 its plans to build a 275,000-square-foot facility on the site, slated to begin construction in late 2025 and be operational by 2029. The project, according to the company, is essential for meeting demand from the nation’s nuclear power plants.
In a statement provided after the planning commission’s decision, Westinghouse said, “For the last 50 years, Columbia has produced the nuclear fuel that powers roughly 10% of all the electricity used in the United States. This expansion would help us continue to provide the safest, most advanced nuclear fuel to the nation’s nuclear power plants. We are working with Richland County officials on our planned expansion...."
Councilman Weaver says he wants to see more specific plans for how the land would be used before making any decisions about the rezoning.
“We need to hear more from Westinghouse—to hear what they plan on doing with the change in zoning,” Weaver said.
The rezoning proposal will go before the Richland County Council at its next zoning public hearing on December 17.