Agente Hipotecario in Summerville, SC

Sabemos que muchos agentes de préstamos hipotecarios tienen una reputación horrible. Algunos corredores sólo ven a sus clientes como transacciones y como un medio para ganar dinero rápido. Se muestran impacientes y agresivos, sin comprender que se trata de una decisión muy importante para usted. En Mission One Mortgage, adoptamos el enfoque opuesto. Alentamos a nuestros clientes a que se tomen todo el tiempo necesario para hacernos preguntas y revisar los documentos hipotecarios. Podríamos decir que nuestra misión es superar tus expectativas, pero preferimos mostrártelo. Desde asistencia para encontrar préstamos de la FHA, VA u otros hasta refinanciar su hipoteca actual, Mission One es el equipo en el que puede confiar.

Estas son solo algunas de las razones por las que los compradores de viviendas eligen Mission One Mortgage:

No Additional Fees

Sin cargos adicionales- Al brindar los servicios a nuestros clientes de forma gratuita, utilizar un agente hipotecario como Mission One Mortgage puede ayudarlo a buscar el mejor precio en préstamos sin un precio elevado.

Access to 50 Lenders

Acceso a 50 prestamistas- Con acceso a una variedad de préstamos y tasas de interés disponibles, Mission One Mortgage puede buscar los mejores préstamos para sus necesidades específicas.

Accessible to Our Clients

Accesible a nuestros clientes- Al brindar un servicio transparente y comunicativo a todos nuestros clientes, Mission One Mortgage garantiza que todas las llamadas telefónicas sean respondidas o devueltas de manera oportuna.

Setting You Up for Success

Preparándote para el éxito- Ayudándolo a preparar todos sus documentos para la aprobación previa y la solicitud de préstamo, Mission One Mortgage le proporcionará toda la información necesaria para obtener el mejor préstamo.

¡Contáctenos para servicio!

Consulta Gratuita phone-number (843) 822-5685

Para comprender los beneficios de trabajar con un agente hipotecario, primero debe comprender su papel en el proceso de compra de una vivienda.

¿Qué hace un corredor hipotecario?

Su agente hipotecario es un tercero que trabaja para conectarlo con prestamistas hipotecarios. Básicamente, un corredor hipotecario actúa como intermediario entre una persona que quiere comprar una vivienda y las entidades que ofrecen préstamos para comprar una vivienda. El agente hipotecario trabaja tanto con el prestatario como con el prestamista para obtener la aprobación del prestatario. También verifican y recopilan la documentación del prestatario que el prestamista necesita para finalizar la compra de una vivienda. Por lo general, los agentes hipotecarios tienen relaciones con varios prestamistas de préstamos hipotecarios. Mission One Mortgage, por ejemplo, tiene acceso a 50 prestamistas diferentes, lo que nos brinda una amplia gama de préstamos hipotecarios en Summerville, SC, de donde elegir.

Además de encontrar un prestamista para préstamos hipotecarios, su agente hipotecario lo ayudará a elegir las mejores opciones de préstamo y tasas de interés para su presupuesto. Idealmente, su agente hipotecario le quitará una gran cantidad de estrés y trabajo preliminar y, al mismo tiempo, le permitirá ahorrar dinero.

Ayuda con el proceso de aprobación previa

Si está listo para comprar una casa, obtener la precalificación es una excelente opción que agilizará todo el proceso. Su agente hipotecario facilita la obtención de la aprobación previa al obtener todos los documentos necesarios para obtener la precalificación. Al revisar su solicitud, determinarán si está listo para el proceso de aprobación previa. Si su solicitud necesita elementos adicionales, la compañía hipotecaria le ayudará a orientarle en la dirección correcta para garantizar que su solicitud sea lo más sólida posible. Su agente hipotecario también lo guiará a través de los diferentes tipos de préstamos, desde convencionales y FHA hasta VA y USDA.

Para obtener una aprobación previa para una casa en Carolina del Sur, debe tener lo siguiente:

  • Dos años de formularios W2
  • 30 días de recibos de pago del empleador
  • 60 días de extractos bancarios
  • Una licencia de conducir válida

Hipotecas convencionales

Los préstamos convencionales se pueden utilizar para comprar una casa nueva o refinanciar la actual. Los préstamos convencionales incluyen hipotecas a tipo fijo e hipotecas a tipo ajustable. Generalmente, los prestatarios deben realizar un pago inicial del 3% para los propietarios-ocupantes, del 10% para una propiedad de vacaciones y del 20% para una casa de inversión. Si puede pagar el 20% del coste total de la vivienda, podrá evitar el seguro hipotecario privado, que de otro modo sería obligatorio. Los compradores con buen crédito o las personas que necesitan una hipoteca no ocupada por el propietario suelen preferir las hipotecas convencionales.

 Mortgage Company Summerville, SC
 Mortgage Lending Service Summerville, SC

Préstamos de la FHA

Las hipotecas de la FHA son emitidas por el gobierno de los EE. UU. y respaldadas por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD). Los compradores de vivienda por primera vez suelen preferir este préstamo porque solo requiere un pago inicial del 3,5% y ofrece más flexibilidad con los requisitos crediticios y los estándares de suscripción. Los préstamos de la FHA tienen varios requisitos que debes cumplir para calificar. Comuníquese con Mission One Mortgage hoy para obtener más información sobre los préstamos de la FHA y si son o no los mejores para su situación financiera.

Préstamos del USDA

También respaldados por el gobierno, estos préstamos están asegurados por el Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. y no requieren pago inicial. Estos préstamos tienen requisitos de seguro más bajos en comparación con los préstamos de la FHA, ofrecen financiamiento del 100% si califica y permiten que el vendedor cubra los costos de cierre. Para calificar para un préstamo del USDA, debe vivir en un área rural y los ingresos de su hogar deben cumplir con ciertos estándares. Estos préstamos suelen ser los preferidos por los ciudadanos de bajos ingresos que viven en zonas rurales de Carolina del Sur.

 Refinancing Summerville, SC
 Refinances Summerville, SC

Hipotecas para veteranos

También conocidas como préstamos VA o de Asuntos de Veteranos, estas hipotecas están reservadas para los hombres y mujeres valientes que sirvieron en el ejército. Los préstamos VA ayudan a brindarles a nuestros miembros militares, veteranos y sus familias condiciones de préstamo favorables y una experiencia sencilla de ser propietario de una vivienda. A menudo, quienes califican no están obligados a realizar un pago inicial por su vivienda. Además, estos préstamos suelen incluir costos de cierre menos costosos.

Si es un veterano o un familiar de un veterano, comuníquese con Mission One Mortgage hoy para hablar con nuestra profesional examinada de VA, Debbie Haberny. Debbie ayuda a nuestros miembros militares, veteranos y sus familiares a obtener préstamos hipotecarios utilizando beneficios para veteranos y estará encantada de ayudarle en la búsqueda de una casa.

q. Estaba hablando con mi cónyuge sobre agentes hipotecarios y mencionaron la frase originador de préstamos hipotecarios. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un corredor y un originador de préstamos?

UNO. La industria hipotecaria está llena de puestos y títulos confusos, lo que facilita la confusión de roles y responsabilidades. Tal es el caso de los agentes hipotecarios y los originadores de préstamos hipotecarios. Aunque sus funciones comparten similitudes, un originador de préstamos hipotecarios en Summerville, SC, trabaja para un banco o cooperativa de crédito, mientras que un corredor hipotecario trabaja para una empresa de corretaje. Tanto los originadores de préstamos hipotecarios como los corredores hipotecarios tienen licencia del Sistema Nacional de Licencias Multiestatales (NMLS).

q. Todo el mundo me ha dicho que es necesario tener un seguro hipotecario para comprar una casa. ¿Qué es el seguro hipotecario?

UNO. Básicamente, el seguro hipotecario ayuda a proteger a los prestamistas si un prestatario ejecuta la ejecución hipotecaria de la casa que compró. Una ventaja del seguro hipotecario es que cuando los prestatarios lo pagan, los prestamistas a menudo pueden otorgar préstamos a los compradores cuando de otra manera no lo habrían hecho. Aunque no siempre es necesario para comprar una casa, a menudo se necesita un seguro hipotecario para pagos iniciales inferiores al 20%.

q. Me acaban de aprobar previamente para comprar una hermosa casa en Carolina del Sur. ¿Hay algo que no debería hacer ahora que estoy precalificado?

UNO. Las compañías hipotecarias como Mission One Mortgage facilitan la precalificación para una vivienda. Sin embargo, a medida que continúa su proceso de préstamo, su prestamista debe ejecutar un nuevo informe crediticio antes de cerrar la compra de una vivienda. Por esa razón, es para evitar cualquier actividad que pueda afectar su puntaje crediticio, como:

  • No se convierta en cofirmante de un préstamo con otra persona.
  • No renuncies ni cambies de trabajo.
  • No solicite nuevas tarjetas de crédito, préstamos para automóviles ni ninguna otra línea de crédito.
  • No utilice su tarjeta de crédito para pagar compras grandes, como muebles para su nueva casa.
  • No evite pagos de líneas de crédito, préstamos o facturas de servicios públicos vigentes.

q. Mi cuñado recientemente refinanció su casa en Carolina del Sur. ¿Qué es la refinanciación? ¿Debería considerar refinanciar mi casa también?

UNO. Refinanciar su casa básicamente significa que está cambiando su hipoteca actual por una nueva, generalmente con una tasa de interés más baja. Si desea reducir el plazo de su préstamo, reducir los pagos hipotecarios mensuales o consolidar deudas, la refinanciación puede ser una opción inteligente. Muchos propietarios también optan por refinanciar si quieren pasar de hipotecas de tasa ajustable a hipotecas de tasa fija o obtener reembolsos en efectivo por renovaciones de la vivienda. Para saber si la refinanciación es una opción viable para su situación, comuníquese con Mission One Mortgage lo antes posible, ya que las tasas de los préstamos cambian con frecuencia.

Hipoteca Mission One: convertir los sueños en realidad, una hipoteca a la vez


Aquí en Mission One Mortgage, creemos que las mejores comunidades comienzan con el sueño de ser propietario de una vivienda. Nuestra misión es hacer realidad esos sueños, con un servicio personalizado, orientación experta y trabajo duro a la antigua usanza. Como una de las compañías hipotecarias más confiables en Summerville, SC, Tenemos años de experiencia trabajando con una amplia gama de clientes, desde compradores e inversores por primera vez hasta prestatarios autónomos y hablantes no nativos de inglés.

Aunque cada situación hipotecaria es diferente, una cosa nunca cambia: nuestro compromiso con los clientes. Póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina hoy para comenzar una experiencia excepcional de compra de vivienda.

¡Contáctenos para servicio!

phone-number (843) 822-5685
 Cash Out Refinance Summerville, SC

Latest News in Summerville, SC

Teachers left without pay after Summerville tutoring service closes

|Updated: Sep. 20, 2024 at 4:18 AM EDTSUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - More than a week after a Summerville tutoring service shut down without warning, teachers are left without a job and are missing paychecks.Former Sylvan Learning employees describe how the situation has been handled as shocking and ridiculous.Staff was notified about the immediate closure in a Zoom meet...

|Updated: Sep. 20, 2024 at 4:18 AM EDT

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - More than a week after a Summerville tutoring service shut down without warning, teachers are left without a job and are missing paychecks.

Former Sylvan Learning employees describe how the situation has been handled as shocking and ridiculous.

Staff was notified about the immediate closure in a Zoom meeting 10 days ago, and they still have not seen their last paychecks.

The owner of the franchise, Susan Fairbairn, closed the Summerville location, along with her other four locations in Texas, without proper protocol, according to Sylvan’s home office.

Fairbairn cited the reason for the Summerville closure as a lack of resources.

Katelyn Bunch taught there for over a year and says things seemed normal. She says they had plenty of tutors and a waiting list of kids to get in.

Bunch says she has received little to no communication on if the money she and others are due will ever turn up.

“I’m someone living paycheck to paycheck and wondering how I’m going to pay my bills as I was relying on this money a lot,” Bunch said. “Now, I’m trying to figure out how to pay for my basic needs.”

Bunch says working at Sylvan in Summerville was a positive experience until now.

“It was a wonderful place and I’m gonna miss teaching there,” Bunch said. “I felt like I was a better teacher after working here and now I don’t know what to do. I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to make ends meet.”

After teaching there for seven years, Kristina Bell says she was brought to tears once the closure sunk in.

“Losing a family and working with the children that you enjoy working with every day and then on top of that you don’t get paid, so then I was in a financial bind,” Bell said.

Bunch and Bell want to continue working with the kids who need tutoring.

“She {Fairbairn} didn’t give us any information,” Bell said. “She could have definitely rolled back enrollment, told the directors to not bring on any more students because I’m going to gradually phase out of this.”

Fairbairn did not respond to a request for comment.

A spokesperson for Sylvan provided the following statement:

Since the Sylvan Learning of Summerville was independently owned and operated by Susan Fairbairn, she is responsible for providing paychecks to her employees. Sylvan Learning, the Franchisor, has not heard from Susan Fairbairn. Sylvan Learning is working on other solutions to help these families, including delivering tutoring for their children for a period of time while they continue to pursue legal action and/or find another tutor.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Summerville tutoring service abruptly shuts down, families demand refunds

Updated: Sep. 14, 2024 at 5:09 PM PDTSUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - A tutoring service in Summerville has closed its doors for good, leaving over 50 families in limbo.Parents say the announcement came without warning from Sylvan Learning in an email on Sep. 9. It said in part that the franchise is shutting down effective immediately because of a lack of resources.The sudden closure has left students in need of extra help without a tutor, and parents who paid thousands upfront for a certain number of hours, seeking refunds....

Updated: Sep. 14, 2024 at 5:09 PM PDT

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - A tutoring service in Summerville has closed its doors for good, leaving over 50 families in limbo.

Parents say the announcement came without warning from Sylvan Learning in an email on Sep. 9. It said in part that the franchise is shutting down effective immediately because of a lack of resources.

The sudden closure has left students in need of extra help without a tutor, and parents who paid thousands upfront for a certain number of hours, seeking refunds.

“It’s really sad that the employees are losing their jobs because they did a great job,” John Petty said. “My kids have been coming here for years and their grade level has exceeded, and they did really well. I just wanted them to keep that edge in school and now they can’t.”

In the email and notice on the Summerville location’s doors, it states that customers with unused tuition, to contact the corporate office 1-800 number to find alternative solutions.

Parent Shanda Tantipitham who took out a loan to pay for the service said the automated messaging system gave her the runaround, but she’s in the process of working with the lender to get back over $7,000.

“From what we’re told, they need about 10 days to resolve it, but I still don’t have a resolution yet as of today,” Tantipitham said.

“I took on a second job to pay for all this so it’s coming out of my pocket to pay for it,” Petty said. “It’s just frustrating for the kids and the parents that paid in advance.”

Over an email chain, parents have demanded refunds and threatened to take legal action.

“It’s very deceitful and it seems that the franchisee shut down and took everyone’s money and took off,” Justin Kramer said. “After digging more and talking to other parents we found out that she also had a Sylvan in Texas and shut that one down last month.”

One employee confirmed that she was supposed to get paid last Thursday, and as of Friday afternoon, she still has not been paid. She also said she has received no communication from the owner and operator of the franchise, Susan Fairbairn.

A support email notified one parent that Fairbairn had been told she must refund families immediately. Fairbairn did not respond to a request for comment.

Sylvan’s home office released the following statement:

Five Sylvan Learning Centers recently closed in Austin, TX and Summerville, SC. These Centers, 4 in Austin, TX and 1 in Summerville, SC were independently owned and managed by Susan Fairbairn who was operating under a franchise agreement with Sylvan Learning, the Franchisor. Ms. Fairbairn closed these Centers without proper notification to customers and without necessary authorization from Sylvan. While Ms. Fairbairn’s operating entities are contractually responsible for all refunds to customers, unfortunately, she has not yet refunded these dollars.

Sylvan Learning has proudly served millions of children and been part of communities for over 45 years. Ms. Fairbairn’s actions are wrong, damaging to those same communities and children and do not represent the values that we hold core to the Sylvan brand. As such we have terminated Ms. Fairbairn’s franchise agreement and are pursuing legal channels to force these refunds from Ms. Fairbairn’s entities to customers. The legal process continues but Ms. Fairbairn has become unresponsive to Sylvan and incorrectly cited that Sylvan is somehow responsible for refunding money that she knowingly took directly from customers. The contact information we have for Ms. Fairbairn is and 512.497.8440.

Sylvan Learning believes in putting kids first. We and our generous franchisees are working with parents on an individual basis on a bridge program to deliver tutoring for their children for a period of time while they continue to pursue legal action and/or find another tutor.

Sylvan is disappointed in the sudden closures by the former franchisee and we will continue to advocate for our customers and for the immediate payment of refunds.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Summerville VFW Post 3433 closes amid skyrocketing liquor liability insurance

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCBD) – Liquor liability insurance is having an impact on organizations. Summerville VFW had to close their doors on Saturday – they need your help to stay open.“I was in the army. I went to Iraq twice out of Fort Stewart, Georgia. I was in from ’03 to 2012,” said TJ Allen, a member of VFW Post 3433.Allen said the VFW is like a home for him and the many other veterans who frequent the post.“I come here, and I hang with a group of people that there’s certain thi...

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCBD) – Liquor liability insurance is having an impact on organizations. Summerville VFW had to close their doors on Saturday – they need your help to stay open.

“I was in the army. I went to Iraq twice out of Fort Stewart, Georgia. I was in from ’03 to 2012,” said TJ Allen, a member of VFW Post 3433.

Allen said the VFW is like a home for him and the many other veterans who frequent the post.

“I come here, and I hang with a group of people that there’s certain things we can talk about, and there are certain things we don’t have to talk about because of our shared experiences. Just kind of… it’s a comforting place that I don’t have to explain myself,” he said.

But that place of comfort is now being threatened.

“We had to shut down this past Saturday because our liquor liability didn’t get renewed. It went from $9,500 to $69,000,” explained Post Commander Robert Zdenek, VFW Post 3433. “We’re working on rates right now because of the new law in effect with liquor liability. We’re scrambling as we are a nonprofit. As it is, we have a hard time making it.”

They don’t have $69,000 per year just for insurance.

The post is holding a Tuesday night meeting where state lawmakers are expected to be in attendance. They hope to have state law changed next year to lower rates.

Right now, if someone drinks even one beer, and then they drink at other places that day, the original alcohol sales site can have 100% liability, instead of a percentage of liability. This caused rates to skyrocket.

The post is also planning a major fundraiser on October 19th to raise money. They hope to be back open by then.

“We do a lot of stuff for the public. We do have the VA home. We do a Thanksgiving dinner for local vets. We just do a lot of stuff for the community,” said Zdenek.

Allen is going to college right now on his VA benefits, but he is one of six people now out of a job at this VFW due to the shutdown. He works there several days per week as a bartender.

“This place does supplement my income. I’m a starving college student right now, so I definitely need the supplemental income, and the loss of the income from this place is hurting me greatly,” he said.

Tuesday night’s meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.

Summerville VFW Post closes due to liquor liability insurance costs

Summerville VFW Post closes due to liquor liability insurance costs in South Carolina. Sept. 2, 2024 (Webb Wright/WCIV)SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCIV) — The casualties continue to mount from burdensome liquor liability costs.Two bills in the South Carolina state legislature intended to provide relief from a $1 million price tag will likely not see any traction until next year.Labor Day is normally one of the biggest days for VFW post 3433, but on Monday, the jukebox is silent, the grill is cold, and the coolers are empty....

Summerville VFW Post closes due to liquor liability insurance costs in South Carolina. Sept. 2, 2024 (Webb Wright/WCIV)

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCIV) — The casualties continue to mount from burdensome liquor liability costs.

Two bills in the South Carolina state legislature intended to provide relief from a $1 million price tag will likely not see any traction until next year.

Labor Day is normally one of the biggest days for VFW post 3433, but on Monday, the jukebox is silent, the grill is cold, and the coolers are empty. This VFW post is closed, leaving some veterans with nowhere to go.

"Old navy sailors, they'd be walking in right now excited to come up here and tell a war story," says Post Commander Robert Zdenek.

READ MORE | "Proposed amendment may reduce liquor liability insurance, aiding some veteran nonprofits."

But the sign on the door tells a different story. The post closed indefinitely.

"We got a rate of $69,000 a year, which we used to pay $9,500," says Zdenek. "We just couldn't afford it. We had until this past Saturday night at midnight to shut down the building and figure out from there what to do from here on out."

Help was supposed to be on the way, but a bill in the South Carolina House, and one in the Senate stalled out as the end of the year approached.

"It's political ineptitude, and we're getting real-world results where veterans are getting hurt," says state Rep. Jordan Pace (R-Berkeley). "This is their safe place and now it's closed. Eight people lost their jobs. We're seeing thousands of people lose their jobs in bars and restaurants."

READ MORE | "Lowcountry hangouts feel the impact of liquor liability laws."

The current law says if someone has one drink at the VFW, regardless of where they go after, the VFW would be considered equally liable for any accidents that happen if the driver is under the influence.

"You should not be found 1% liable and be a hundred percent responsible," says Pace. "The Senate bill wasn't perfect, but it made it closer to that where anybody under 50% was responsible for whatever percentage they were responsible for. So if you were 10% liable, you can only be up to 10% responsible for whatever the damages are, and it's sad that we didn't even pick that up in committee."

Jobs weren't the only thing lost at this VFW. Moments for veterans who need companionship are out the window as well.

"It's a place a lot of our vets here– widows and widowers– have no place to go," says Zdenek. "I can probably name some people that have nowhere to go today, and to me, it's a pretty sad day."

The post will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss ways to raise money to reopen the post. Special guests from the South Carolina legislature will be on hand as well.

The post is tentatively scheduling a fund-raiser for the post on Oct. 19. For more information on how to help, please call Rob Zdenek at (843) 568-6811. For more information on the post, click here.


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 Rate And Term Refinance Summerville, SC

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