Agente Hipotecario in Kiawah Island, SC

Sabemos que muchos agentes de préstamos hipotecarios tienen una reputación horrible. Algunos corredores sólo ven a sus clientes como transacciones y como un medio para ganar dinero rápido. Se muestran impacientes y agresivos, sin comprender que se trata de una decisión muy importante para usted. En Mission One Mortgage, adoptamos el enfoque opuesto. Alentamos a nuestros clientes a que se tomen todo el tiempo necesario para hacernos preguntas y revisar los documentos hipotecarios. Podríamos decir que nuestra misión es superar tus expectativas, pero preferimos mostrártelo. Desde asistencia para encontrar préstamos de la FHA, VA u otros hasta refinanciar su hipoteca actual, Mission One es el equipo en el que puede confiar.

Estas son solo algunas de las razones por las que los compradores de viviendas eligen Mission One Mortgage:

No Additional Fees

Sin cargos adicionales- Al brindar los servicios a nuestros clientes de forma gratuita, utilizar un agente hipotecario como Mission One Mortgage puede ayudarlo a buscar el mejor precio en préstamos sin un precio elevado.

Access to 50 Lenders

Acceso a 50 prestamistas- Con acceso a una variedad de préstamos y tasas de interés disponibles, Mission One Mortgage puede buscar los mejores préstamos para sus necesidades específicas.

Accessible to Our Clients

Accesible a nuestros clientes- Al brindar un servicio transparente y comunicativo a todos nuestros clientes, Mission One Mortgage garantiza que todas las llamadas telefónicas sean respondidas o devueltas de manera oportuna.

Setting You Up for Success

Preparándote para el éxito- Ayudándolo a preparar todos sus documentos para la aprobación previa y la solicitud de préstamo, Mission One Mortgage le proporcionará toda la información necesaria para obtener el mejor préstamo.

¡Contáctenos para servicio!

Consulta Gratuita phone-number (843) 822-5685

Para comprender los beneficios de trabajar con un agente hipotecario, primero debe comprender su papel en el proceso de compra de una vivienda.

¿Qué hace un corredor hipotecario?

Su agente hipotecario es un tercero que trabaja para conectarlo con prestamistas hipotecarios. Básicamente, un corredor hipotecario actúa como intermediario entre una persona que quiere comprar una vivienda y las entidades que ofrecen préstamos para comprar una vivienda. El agente hipotecario trabaja tanto con el prestatario como con el prestamista para obtener la aprobación del prestatario. También verifican y recopilan la documentación del prestatario que el prestamista necesita para finalizar la compra de una vivienda. Por lo general, los agentes hipotecarios tienen relaciones con varios prestamistas de préstamos hipotecarios. Mission One Mortgage, por ejemplo, tiene acceso a 50 prestamistas diferentes, lo que nos brinda una amplia gama de préstamos hipotecarios en Kiawah Island, SC, de donde elegir.

Además de encontrar un prestamista para préstamos hipotecarios, su agente hipotecario lo ayudará a elegir las mejores opciones de préstamo y tasas de interés para su presupuesto. Idealmente, su agente hipotecario le quitará una gran cantidad de estrés y trabajo preliminar y, al mismo tiempo, le permitirá ahorrar dinero.

Ayuda con el proceso de aprobación previa

Si está listo para comprar una casa, obtener la precalificación es una excelente opción que agilizará todo el proceso. Su agente hipotecario facilita la obtención de la aprobación previa al obtener todos los documentos necesarios para obtener la precalificación. Al revisar su solicitud, determinarán si está listo para el proceso de aprobación previa. Si su solicitud necesita elementos adicionales, la compañía hipotecaria le ayudará a orientarle en la dirección correcta para garantizar que su solicitud sea lo más sólida posible. Su agente hipotecario también lo guiará a través de los diferentes tipos de préstamos, desde convencionales y FHA hasta VA y USDA.

Para obtener una aprobación previa para una casa en Carolina del Sur, debe tener lo siguiente:

  • Dos años de formularios W2
  • 30 días de recibos de pago del empleador
  • 60 días de extractos bancarios
  • Una licencia de conducir válida

Hipotecas convencionales

Los préstamos convencionales se pueden utilizar para comprar una casa nueva o refinanciar la actual. Los préstamos convencionales incluyen hipotecas a tipo fijo e hipotecas a tipo ajustable. Generalmente, los prestatarios deben realizar un pago inicial del 3% para los propietarios-ocupantes, del 10% para una propiedad de vacaciones y del 20% para una casa de inversión. Si puede pagar el 20% del coste total de la vivienda, podrá evitar el seguro hipotecario privado, que de otro modo sería obligatorio. Los compradores con buen crédito o las personas que necesitan una hipoteca no ocupada por el propietario suelen preferir las hipotecas convencionales.

 Mortgage Company Kiawah Island, SC
 Mortgage Lending Service Kiawah Island, SC

Préstamos de la FHA

Las hipotecas de la FHA son emitidas por el gobierno de los EE. UU. y respaldadas por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD). Los compradores de vivienda por primera vez suelen preferir este préstamo porque solo requiere un pago inicial del 3,5% y ofrece más flexibilidad con los requisitos crediticios y los estándares de suscripción. Los préstamos de la FHA tienen varios requisitos que debes cumplir para calificar. Comuníquese con Mission One Mortgage hoy para obtener más información sobre los préstamos de la FHA y si son o no los mejores para su situación financiera.

Préstamos del USDA

También respaldados por el gobierno, estos préstamos están asegurados por el Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. y no requieren pago inicial. Estos préstamos tienen requisitos de seguro más bajos en comparación con los préstamos de la FHA, ofrecen financiamiento del 100% si califica y permiten que el vendedor cubra los costos de cierre. Para calificar para un préstamo del USDA, debe vivir en un área rural y los ingresos de su hogar deben cumplir con ciertos estándares. Estos préstamos suelen ser los preferidos por los ciudadanos de bajos ingresos que viven en zonas rurales de Carolina del Sur.

 Refinancing Kiawah Island, SC
 Refinances Kiawah Island, SC

Hipotecas para veteranos

También conocidas como préstamos VA o de Asuntos de Veteranos, estas hipotecas están reservadas para los hombres y mujeres valientes que sirvieron en el ejército. Los préstamos VA ayudan a brindarles a nuestros miembros militares, veteranos y sus familias condiciones de préstamo favorables y una experiencia sencilla de ser propietario de una vivienda. A menudo, quienes califican no están obligados a realizar un pago inicial por su vivienda. Además, estos préstamos suelen incluir costos de cierre menos costosos.

Si es un veterano o un familiar de un veterano, comuníquese con Mission One Mortgage hoy para hablar con nuestra profesional examinada de VA, Debbie Haberny. Debbie ayuda a nuestros miembros militares, veteranos y sus familiares a obtener préstamos hipotecarios utilizando beneficios para veteranos y estará encantada de ayudarle en la búsqueda de una casa.

q. Estaba hablando con mi cónyuge sobre agentes hipotecarios y mencionaron la frase originador de préstamos hipotecarios. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un corredor y un originador de préstamos?

UNO. La industria hipotecaria está llena de puestos y títulos confusos, lo que facilita la confusión de roles y responsabilidades. Tal es el caso de los agentes hipotecarios y los originadores de préstamos hipotecarios. Aunque sus funciones comparten similitudes, un originador de préstamos hipotecarios en Kiawah Island, SC, trabaja para un banco o cooperativa de crédito, mientras que un corredor hipotecario trabaja para una empresa de corretaje. Tanto los originadores de préstamos hipotecarios como los corredores hipotecarios tienen licencia del Sistema Nacional de Licencias Multiestatales (NMLS).

q. Todo el mundo me ha dicho que es necesario tener un seguro hipotecario para comprar una casa. ¿Qué es el seguro hipotecario?

UNO. Básicamente, el seguro hipotecario ayuda a proteger a los prestamistas si un prestatario ejecuta la ejecución hipotecaria de la casa que compró. Una ventaja del seguro hipotecario es que cuando los prestatarios lo pagan, los prestamistas a menudo pueden otorgar préstamos a los compradores cuando de otra manera no lo habrían hecho. Aunque no siempre es necesario para comprar una casa, a menudo se necesita un seguro hipotecario para pagos iniciales inferiores al 20%.

q. Me acaban de aprobar previamente para comprar una hermosa casa en Carolina del Sur. ¿Hay algo que no debería hacer ahora que estoy precalificado?

UNO. Las compañías hipotecarias como Mission One Mortgage facilitan la precalificación para una vivienda. Sin embargo, a medida que continúa su proceso de préstamo, su prestamista debe ejecutar un nuevo informe crediticio antes de cerrar la compra de una vivienda. Por esa razón, es para evitar cualquier actividad que pueda afectar su puntaje crediticio, como:

  • No se convierta en cofirmante de un préstamo con otra persona.
  • No renuncies ni cambies de trabajo.
  • No solicite nuevas tarjetas de crédito, préstamos para automóviles ni ninguna otra línea de crédito.
  • No utilice su tarjeta de crédito para pagar compras grandes, como muebles para su nueva casa.
  • No evite pagos de líneas de crédito, préstamos o facturas de servicios públicos vigentes.

q. Mi cuñado recientemente refinanció su casa en Carolina del Sur. ¿Qué es la refinanciación? ¿Debería considerar refinanciar mi casa también?

UNO. Refinanciar su casa básicamente significa que está cambiando su hipoteca actual por una nueva, generalmente con una tasa de interés más baja. Si desea reducir el plazo de su préstamo, reducir los pagos hipotecarios mensuales o consolidar deudas, la refinanciación puede ser una opción inteligente. Muchos propietarios también optan por refinanciar si quieren pasar de hipotecas de tasa ajustable a hipotecas de tasa fija o obtener reembolsos en efectivo por renovaciones de la vivienda. Para saber si la refinanciación es una opción viable para su situación, comuníquese con Mission One Mortgage lo antes posible, ya que las tasas de los préstamos cambian con frecuencia.

Hipoteca Mission One: convertir los sueños en realidad, una hipoteca a la vez


Aquí en Mission One Mortgage, creemos que las mejores comunidades comienzan con el sueño de ser propietario de una vivienda. Nuestra misión es hacer realidad esos sueños, con un servicio personalizado, orientación experta y trabajo duro a la antigua usanza. Como una de las compañías hipotecarias más confiables en Kiawah Island, SC, Tenemos años de experiencia trabajando con una amplia gama de clientes, desde compradores e inversores por primera vez hasta prestatarios autónomos y hablantes no nativos de inglés.

Aunque cada situación hipotecaria es diferente, una cosa nunca cambia: nuestro compromiso con los clientes. Póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina hoy para comenzar una experiencia excepcional de compra de vivienda.

¡Contáctenos para servicio!

phone-number (843) 822-5685
 Cash Out Refinance Kiawah Island, SC

Latest News in Kiawah Island, SC

The 14 Best Things To Do On Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina

Just a twenty minute drive from Charleston’s stoic steeples and stately single houses, Sullivan’s Island, with its storybook cottages and pristine beach, is the charmingly sun-bleached answer to the Holy City’s pomp and circumstance. Sullivan’s is also a secret locals are keen to keep. The small ...

Just a twenty minute drive from Charleston’s stoic steeples and stately single houses, Sullivan’s Island, with its storybook cottages and pristine beach, is the charmingly sun-bleached answer to the Holy City’s pomp and circumstance. Sullivan’s is also a secret locals are keen to keep. The small island measures only two and a half miles long, but the town punches well above its weight when it comes to natural beauty, historical significance, curb appeal, and places to eat, drink, and shop. Here are the best things to do on Sullivan’s Island.

The Best South Carolina Beaches For A Relaxing Lowcountry Getaway

Enjoy the Outdoors

With 2.5 miles of Atlantic Ocean-fronting shoreline, Sullivan’s Island’s main draw is its pristine shoreline, a wide sandy stretch prime for sandcastle-building and sunbathing. Called “Stations” as a nod to the trolley line that once ran in the area, the island’s wayfaring points also serve as easy meet-ups for beach access. Each station has its perks: If you want to stay close to the main drag of Middle Street, with all of its restaurants and shops, Stations 21, 22, and 22 ½ are your best bets; If you want to be a little farther from the action and close to the lighthouse, try Station 18 ½.

Connecting the Charleston Light (the iconic black-and-white lighthouse) to Fort Moultrie (the Revolutionary War-era fort that’s now a National Historic Park), this two-mile trail winds through the island’s maritime forest for a different perspective of the spot’s natural beauty.

Savor the Impressive (Especially for Its Size) Food Scene

The Lowcountry is shrimp country, and at this fish-camp-inspired restaurant, you’ll find the best local ones, pulled straight from nearby Shem Creek. Try them fried with garlic aioli or stirred into fried Carolina Gold rice with fresno chilis and XO sauce. If you’ve got a thirsty crew, wash it all down with the Big Fish Jug of Margs.; 2019 Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC 29482

With a menu inspired by local, seasonal ingredients and surrounds informed by the area’s maritime culture, the self-proclaimed “eclectic Southern” restaurant isn’t dishing what you’d necessarily expect for beach-town fare. That’s due largely in part to its chef, two-time James Beard Award nominee Jacques Larson, whose menu includes house-made pastas and “Lowcountry frites,” polenta fries served with comeback sauce. Not in the mood to come off the beach for dinner? Pick up a wood-fired pizza for a sunset picnic on the sand.; 2063 Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC 29483

(Editor’s note: As of January 24, 2025, The Obstinate Daughter is temporarily closed due to a kitchen fire.)

The sister restaurant to concepts first born in St. John and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, The Longboard celebrates seafood in its freshest, lightest forms, with dishes like poke bowls, ceviche, and sushi wraps. Don’t miss Oyster Happy Hour (weekdays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and weekends 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.), with its rotating selection of the bivalves, served raw, grilled, dressed, or as shooters.; 2213-B Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC 29482

When you’ve tired of seafood, settle into this local favorite for a pulled pork sandwich or perfect smoked wings. Better yet, order “The Board” for your crew of beach bums; it’s a sampler of wings, sausage, ribs, pulled pork, and turkey, served with a trio of their memorable sides, like the mac & cheese or collard greens. Be sure to try their signature sipper, the Gamechanger, a frozen fruity concoction with two kinds of rum. They even sell the mix, should you want to make it at home.; 2209 Middle St.; Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482

So named for Edgar Allen Poe, the famed poet who was stationed on Sullivan’s Island with the U.S. Army in 1827 and 1828, the gastropub is the town’s destination for burgers and fish tacos. Roll off the beach in your cover-up and flip flops for lunch at one of the umbrella-shaded picnic tables out front.; 2210 Middle St., Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482

Shop Local Favorites

Rethink the kitschy airbrushed-tee-filled surf shops you’re accustomed to seeing in beach towns. Generally speaking, that’s not the vibe on Sullivan’s, but especially not at this thoughtfully curated boutique, where Vogue veteran and owner Katie Poole sells effortlessly stylish women’s clothing (think hand-blocked prints and flirty silhouettes) and accessories, along with some kids’ offerings.; 2213 Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC, 29482

Forget the stuffy gallery experiences you’ve had in the past. At this spot on the island’s main drag, you can shop everything from paintings to ceramics. And given that the welcoming spot highlights pieces at a variety of prices, you’re sure to find a memorable keepsake of your time in the Lowcountry. And should you make a detour to Charleston, be sure to visit its downtown counterpart Dare Gallery, on Broad Street, which has a contemporary sculpture garden.; 2201 Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC, 29482

Shop handmade jewelry by SCAD grad Ashley Reid Martin, along with other giftable finds, like natural beauty finds and hand-painted greeting cards, at this bright and airy outpost that’s positioned in the middle of all the action.; 2205-E Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC 29482

This special community gathering spot has a little something for everybody, peddling a wide-ranging collection of art and home and garden goods. Plus, they offer plant-potting services for the green-thumb-challenged and host creative events like sourdough workshops and Mahjong lessons.; 2019 B. Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC 29482

Discover the Area’s History

First settled in the late 17th century, Sullivan’s Island has its own Historic District that’s listed on the National Register. Stroll Middle Street, I’on Avenue, and Central Avenue between Stations 17 and 18 ½ to see private homes that once served as both military properties and residential dwellings and were built between 1870 (like the Dr. John B. Patrick House on Middle Street) through about 1950 (like the Fort Moultrie Chapel on Central Avenue, built in 1944). For true, stop-in-your-stroll cottage charm, make sure to walk past circa-1900 1808 I’On Avenue—a prime example of the architectural type. (Just don’t stare or linger for too long! It’s a private residence.)

Built in 1962 and officially called the Charleston Light, the black-and-white lighthouse that rises above the beach has become synonymous with the island—with most locals referring to it as the Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse. While it’s not open to the public, you can read the explanatory markers on your way to the beach at Station 18 ½. It also makes for a great photo opp from the sand.

Still under construction as the Revolutionary War began, this coastal garrison (the island’s first) was notably built from palmetto logs and sand. Even so, the British advance was thwarted by the defensive efforts there, saving Charleston from a 1776 occupation (it eventually fell in 1780) and it was renamed for its victorious Commander William Moultrie. The original fell into disrepair, as did the second that was built in its place. Finally, a third brick iteration was completed in 1809. It served as a garrison for the Federal troops, and once they abandoned it, by the Confederacy. It was modernized in the 1870s and was used until World War II. Operated by the National Park Service, it’s worth a visit for anyone interested in military history, as it’s been restored to showcase its various functions from 1809 to 1947.; 1214 Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC 29482

The 14 Best Things To Do On Pawleys Island, South Carolina

There are some places that stick with you, and for Southern Living editor-in-chief Sid Evans, that place...

There are some places that stick with you, and for Southern Living editor-in-chief Sid Evans, that place is Pawleys Island, South Carolina. He’s been visiting the tiny sliver of Lowcountry land most summers since he was 5 or 6 and says it’s still one of his favorite places. About 70 miles north of South Carolina and 25 miles south of Myrtle Beach, Pawleys has a loyal fan base despite its small stature. The entire barrier island is less than 4 miles long, and in most places, only about one house wide—which means water is everywhere you look. On the west, there’s an intricate network of salt marshes and creeks. On the east, you get gorgeous views of the Atlantic Ocean.

Though hurricane damage has brought some new and updated places to stay, at its heart Pawleys remains a lowkey Lowcountry getaway where the pace of your day depends entirely on your mood. “If you rent a place with a dock on the creek you can fish, crab, or just hang out and watch the sun set over the marsh,” Evans says. Keep reading for the 14 best things to do on Pawleys Island.

What To Do On Pawleys Island

The historic heart of Pawleys all started with the Original Hammock Shop, which was established in 1938. Today, the vibrant shopping village consists of 21 unique local shops, two restaurants, a playground, and several outdoor gathering spaces. You can still get an original Pawleys Island Rope Hammock from the legendary store and see other historic buildings like The Schoolhouse and Waverly Building, two 1800s buildings that now house La Tierra Mineral Gallery and BisQit restaurant, respectively.; 10880 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island, SC 29585

Consult the Waccamaw Golf Trail, a collection of courses that spans Pawleys Island, Litchfield, and the surrounding area for a recommendation on where to play. The 18-hole course at Caledonia Golf & Fish Club has won multiple awards from golf publications for being a top public course. Another popular spot is the Jack Nicklaus-designed course at Pawleys Plantation.

Between Pawleys saltwater coast and its immense freshwater network of marshes, deltas, tidal creeks, and estuaries, there’s so much vibrant nature and wildlife to observe. On an ecotour with Pawleys Island Guide Services, you can expect to to spot everything from alligators, turtles, crabs, dolphins, and otters to a huge variety of birds including roseate spoonbill, osprey, blue heron, and wood storks.; 577 Brace Drive, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-833-4477

It’s not hard to find the beach on Pawleys considering the entire island is only about a quarter-mile wide. Before you plant your umbrella in the sand, make a stop at Pawleys Island Supplies for all your beach day essentials. The old-school hardware and general store has everything you might need for a long day of fun in the sun, from floats and boogie boards to sun hats, shades, and snacks.; 10460 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-237-2912

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it’s worth paying a visit to this early 1900s Classical Revival-style church that still hosts Sunday services to this day. If you go, be sure to also spend time in the church cemetery, which was established in the 1820s and is famously the final resting place of local legend Alice Flagg (who’s said to haunt the Grand Strand) and celebrated poet and novelist James Dickey.; 3560 Kings River Road, Pawleys Island, SC 29585

If you want to attend a Sunday service in one of the most gorgeous settings imaginable, the marsh side Pawleys Island Chapel is ready to welcome guests from June through August. Even if you don’t come for a sermon, be sure make the pilgrimage to see this iconic Pawleys Island spot.; 391 Myrtle Avenue, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-237-2000

Most of Pawleys Islands best attractions are 100% free, and this activity is no different. Evans recommends going to the Point, also known as the Southern tip of the island, at low tide to look for shark teeth. You never know what kind of treasures you might get to take home.

Where To Eat On Pawleys Island

For some of the best food on the island, dine with Chef Adam Kirby at his two restaurants Rustic Table and Bistro 217. At Rustic Table, the former state chef ambassador serves up his signature style of Southern comfort food with dishes like country-fried steak with Sawmill sausage gravy and sweet tea collards and Cajun seafood gumbo. Save plenty of room for dessert because you’ll have a hard time deciding between favorites like the Pawleys Island Pie (made with chocolate chips and pecans) and the Roasted Banana & Chocolate Bread Pudding. At Bistro 217, Kirby flexes his culinary muscles in a different way with fun fusion dishes like Korean Chili Seared Salmon with udon noodles and gochujang dashi and Horseradish-Encrusted Pork Schnitzel with roasted potatoes, kale, sauteed onions, and chasseur sauce.; 10683 Ocean Highways, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-314-0164; 10707 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-235-8217

There’s room for all at Frank’s, a Pawleys Island institution that has expanded over the years to include four dining venues and four bars, all on one sprawling property. Make reservations for a table in the main dining room or at Frank’s Outback (back patio). If you’re coming with last-minute plans, walk-ins are welcome in the Courtyard and Way Back Garden. All four dining locations, as well as all four bars, serve the full menu of chophouse steaks, seafood, and Southern favorites. Pro tip: The pimiento cheese is legendary so you should always start your meal with an order.; 10434 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-237-3030

There’s no lovelier setting for a meal than under the canopy of Lowcountry live oaks in the Chive Blossom Café’s courtyard. Open for lunch and dinner from Tuesday through Saturday, the restaurant is known for blending Southern cuisine with influences from Mediterranean, France, and Asia. Be sure to try chef Tina Renualt’s famous crab soup, then choose whatever sounds best from the ever-changing seasonal menu.; 85 N Causeway Rd, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-237-1438

The all-day menu at BisQit, located in the Hammock Shops Village, has something for every craving. Of course, there’s a whole list of biscuit sandwiches (try the Lowcountry with root beer-braised pork belly, smoked gouda, slaw, and bearnaise aioli), but there are also burgers, pancakes, tacos, chicken fingers, fried shrimp, and even a lobster roll.; 10880 Ocean Hwy Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-979-2747

This local bakery is the place to go for a grab-and-go meal that can easily be toted to the beach, or for a decadent dessert to sweeten up your day. Pick your meat, cheese, bread, and toppings for a breakfast or lunch sandwich. Or choose from a selection of breakfast pastries that includes croissants, donuts, scones, muffins, cinnamon rolls, and more. Desserts range from cookies and bars in dozens of flavors to cupcakes.; 10517 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-237-3100

Where To Stay On Pawleys Island

Perched on the dunes of Litchfield Beach, The Litchfield Inn offers everything you need for a comfortable getaway. There are oceanfront rooms so you can drink in the gorgeous views at all times of day. Private beach access is just steps from your room, so the sandy shores are never far. Start your day with the hearty breakfast buffet at Tide to Table restaurant, and when you need to refuel later, the Tide Beach Bar has a fun coastal-inspired menu that includes refreshing Tiki drinks and grouper tacos.; 1 Norris Drive, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 855-213-9070

The Sea View Inn has been welcoming guests since 1937 and has been in the capable hands of Sassy and Brian Henry since 2002. Every room on property has a view of either the ocean or the marsh. Exhibiting true Southern hospitality, the Sea View still serves two meals to guests daily: breakfast starting at 8:30 a.m. and a “dinner” meal served at 1:15 p.m. that might include fried chicken, vegetables, homemade biscuits, and dessert.; 414 Myrtle Avenue, Pawleys Island, SC 29585; 843-237-4253

A first-time guide to Kiawah Island and Charleston's barrier islands

If you thought Charleston and its cobblestoned, charming streets couldn’t get any better, we have some wonderful news – there are nearby beaches, too. Kiawah Island, Isle of Palms, Folly Beach and more are all wit...

If you thought Charleston and its cobblestoned, charming streets couldn’t get any better, we have some wonderful news – there are nearby beaches, too. Kiawah Island, Isle of Palms, Folly Beach and more are all within a 45-minute drive, each with its own personal Southern charm. If a dabble in marsh-draped, palmetto-swaying coastal luxury is on your Lowcountry bucket list, you can check it off with certainty.

The islands have their own quirks and delights to keep in mind depending on your needs. For example, Kiawah Island only has one publicly accessible beach, whereas Folly Island – home to Folly Beach – has nearly 50 public beach access points.

Beyond blissful white sands, there’s much more to the barrier island experience, from a pedestrian mall with open-air movie screenings to a county park where migratory shorebirds take a rest. To enjoy these experiences and learn how to plan a first-time trip through this coastal magic, here are some pointers.

When should I go?

Summer is the busiest season in the region, with warm ocean waters and packed beaches. The 4th of July sparkles, with the Folly Beach fireworks being a major draw and the temperatures linger in the 80s. Otherwise, book a fall trip for cooler temperatures – typically hovering in the mid-60s to mid-70s – smaller crowds and a chance to catch the pink Muhly grass in full bloom.

Wildlife fans should time their visit to align with the Loggerhead turtle nesting season (mid-May through October). The winter months are considered the low season with fewer crowds and cheaper hotel rates. With low temperatures in the 40s, you’ll need a wetsuit for an ocean swim or mangrove-dotted kayaking journey. The popular Kiawah Island Marathon – typically in December – is a great way to warm up.

Keep in mind that June through November is the Atlantic hurricane season. If you’re on a coastal journey, keep an eye on serious storms and, if necessary, move inland when advised.

How much time should I spend?

Book a long weekend – ideally four days – to explore each island. This will give you a full day and night in each of the area’s prized locales – Kiawah Island, Folly Beach and Isle of Palms. You’ll have enough time to stroll around Freshfields Village on Kiawah, take in a Saturday surf and yoga class with Shaka Surf School in Folly Beach, and capture a magical sunrise in Isle of Palms with its iconic 1000ft-long pier stretching into the water. Alternatively, choose one island and rent a house for a week to fully kick back and enjoy.

Is it easy to get around?

Whether arriving via plane or train (there is an Amtrak station within a mile of the airport), you’ll need a car to reach and navigate the barrier islands. While rideshare vehicles are readily available in Charleston, they can be tough to book once out at the barrier islands. There are no public transportation options connecting the islands or solely serving each one.

For bikers, Kiawah Island is the best bet. It boasts 30 miles of paved trails and rentals are readily available at trusted local shops like Island Bike & Surf and Seaside Cycles.

Top things to do

Just 20 minutes from the heart of Charleston, this is where the locals come to unwind. A popular activity is for folks to trade their stylish outfits for a wetsuit and ride some waves. Whether you’re a newbie or a regular, there are surf schools – like Shaka Surf School and Isla Surf School – with lessons, summer camps, equipment rentals and more. For the area’s best waves, head to a nook known as the Washout. Post-surf, hit the chilled and welcoming Lowlife bar for southern fare like a pimento cheese spread or perfectly crisped chicken and waffles.

Consider Kiawah Island golf paradise. If you can snag a tee time or lesson at the Ocean Course – which has hosted the PGA Championship in recent years – do it. On-site, grab lunch or dinner at the Atlantic Room, which is renowned for seafood catches with a seasonally-inspired flair. If golf isn’t your thing, Freshfields Village will keep you occupied for several hours. There are nearly three dozen shops and restaurants to peruse, with Islands Mercantile being the spot to pick up a KIAWAH-branded pastel shirt as a memento.

Thirty minutes east of Downtown Charleston, Isle of Palms County Park is the undeniable epicenter of the nearly five-sq-mile island. Within the oceanfront park, there is a rental stand for beach chairs and umbrellas if you'd like to relax and take in the dune-clad landscape.

The spot is primed for a picnic – snag some local fare, like pimento cheese and boiled peanuts – at any grocery store before you arrive. For a luxury al fresco experience, Picnic Charleston will curate an entire setup (advance booking is essential) complete with tablescapes, flowers, a seasonal charcuterie and more. While you’re dining, watch pelicans and egrets swirl by. And, if you’re lucky, perhaps you’ll see a friendly bottlenose dolphin diving through the waves.

Nestled on Wadmalaw Island – just a 35-minute drive northwest of Kiawah – is Charleston Tea Garden. A long, marshy country road culminates in this 127-acre operation. A couple of fun facts: it’s the only large-scale commercial tea farm in the entire North American continent and it is known for its signature American Classic Tea variety, which is a mild black tea variety originally brought from China in the 1700s. Make sure to pop in the gift shop for unlimited tastes of hot and cold teas, spanning green to peach-loaded varieties.

My favorite thing to do

Getting from A to B around these parts is half the fun. Whichever barrier island you land on, going from the historic architecture of Charleston, driving through eerie swampy terrain, and then arriving at a pristine beach is a truly multi-sensory experience. My favorite place to stroll is Kiawah Beachwalker Park – it’s less touristed, super-wide with hard-packed sand, and very dog-friendly. I like seeing all the friendly pups have their day at the beach, too.

How much money do I need?

While barrier island bliss could easily come with a hefty price tag, the region offers a nice balance of luxury and bargain options. As with any beach destination, load up on the essentials – sunscreen, snacks, water – before arrival or face inflated prices for last-minute convenience.

Know your culinary lingo

You’ll see some unique dishes popping up on menus around these parts. A Lowcountry boil often includes shrimp, sausage, corn and potatoes; she-crab soup is a creamy offering with a dash of sherry; and Gullah Geechee refers to the culture of once enslaved West Africans that were freed in the state and migrated to the barrier islands.

Don’t mess with the turtle nests

Come May through October, you’ll see roped-off spots on local beaches from time to time. It’s easy to be curious and want to dig in, particularly kids, but don’t. These areas are protected loggerhead nesting sites and disturbing them can come with very steep fines.


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